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Sueellen (Dallas, Texas) on 05/17/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Dog Diarrhea

I have a miniature dachshund. He ate some spoiled chicken liver and he had bloody diarrhea accompanied by projectile vomiting. He smelled to high heaven!!! I called a friend who owns three dogs and she told me to give him an anti-diarrheal medication which works on humans. However after two days on this medication my dog seemed to be worse and he was acting very lethargic and refusing to eat. He was still drinking water. I called the vet and of course they told me to bring him in. I was a little leery of that as a coworker's dog had experienced the same thing and she took her dog to the vet and by the time they were thru with her dog she had a $2,300 bill (the dog stayed at the vet four days and had IV fluids, IV medications etc) Anyway I prayed for my dog and then I went on your website as I sure did not have $2,300 to spend. I noted the rice, chicken, canned pumpkin remedy. I TRIED IT AND IT WORKED!!! I used three parts rice, one part chicken and two heaping tablespoons of pumpkin twice a day. Thank you for sharing such an effective and frugal remedy.

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Replied By Sandy (Monroe, Ny) on 09/26/2010

I have a Papillion who had a very bad case of diarrhea for 2 weeks, with no other symptoms... Eating well no blood or worms acting normal. Went on website looking for something to do... Found PUMPKIN.. I cant believe it but slept through the night for the first time in 2 weeks.. Seems to be working in only one day! THANK YOU
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Replied By Lulu47 (Tampa, Florida, Usa) on 10/11/2011

I wanted to share my experiences with my 4 month old kitten. He was throwing up, not eating, not drinking, and had diarrhea. In a period of only 3 days he had lost a significant amount of weight and looked different, a lot smaller in appearance, and very sad. He slept a lot, and even cried without a reason. I read A LOT. I told myself that if he didn't get better after 2 days I would take him to the vet. I urge you to try, but if your pet absolutely does not respond, take him to the vet. This is what I did: My kitten resisted the food and drink so I had to take baby steps in order to be successful. I want to encourage those in the same situation to be patient and take your time. Do everything in increments and a LITTLE at a time. Every few hours I would do something, anything.

I started feeding him just a few very tiny tiny pieces of cooked chicken breast alone by hand.

I put Coconut Oil on my fingers and let him lick it off for calories.

I laid him on my lap and gave him a tiny bit of apple cider vinegar mixed with water from the side of his mouth. He was NOT a fan. With a resisting animal, be sure to use very little at a time. I gave him a tablespoon of the diluted mixture at a time (if I gave him any more, he would just throw it up).

I also got him unflavored baby pedyalyte (the generic brand) from Walmart to keep him hydrated. He did not like the taste so I had to dilute it in water. I alternated this with the diluted apple cider vinegar.

I put apple cider vinegar on his neck (I had to do this AFTER he ate, because the scent turned him off from food even more).

I kept noise/bright lights to a minimum and made sure he could sleep as much as possible. Sleep builds up the immune system. I'd like to note that my kitten did not receive all this at the same time. Every few hours I would try one of the above things.

My goal was to get him eating a mixture of pumpkin, chicken, and brown rice (the rice really helps). And he did! It took some time, but as he got stronger, his appetite got better. It got to the point where he started eating the chicken/pumpkin/rice mixture out of his bowl and drinking pedialyte/water mixture out of his bowl as well. In two days my husband and I saw an incredible difference! Thank God. It was honestly miraculous.

After 4 days he became hungrier and we ommitted the chicken and started giving him his dry cat food mixed with rice and pumpkin. It's been a week, and even now that he's better, we continue to do this along with the diluted pedyalyte. After another week I will ommit the pedyalyte, and use ACV in his water. We will continue to used a heaping tablespoon of pumpkin and another of rice mixed in with each of his meals.

I spent about $5 on organic coconut oil, $3 on generic pedyalyte, $3 on a giant can of pumkin, $3 on brown minute rice and 2 boneless/skinless chicken breasts from home. People who say this is too expensive should not have pets. It's nothing compared to a massive vet bill, which you should also be prepared to pay if need be. Not to mention I still have more than enough left over to literally treat at least 20 cats.

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Replied By Kindlady (Crawfordville, Fl, Usa) on 10/24/2011

LULU YOU ROCK!!! A true animal angel and it thrills my heart and soul to know there are people like you in this world.
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Replied By Sheba916 (Sacramento, Ca) on 12/30/2011

My little chi/yorkie has had diahrea for 6 days and vet 3 days ago suggested kaopactate/active culture yogart and I thought it was getting better, not really and now my older lab mix is having softer stools too. I wander if its a thing going around and if the rice, chicken, pumpkin will work.
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Replied By Janet (Vancouver, Wa) on 03/19/2012

YEA!! I started with just pumpkin, then later: Rice, chicken and pumpkin. My 3yr old cat is a large, lanky tabby that doesn't have any body fat to sustain him if sick too long. When I found his back-end covered with bloody diahrea and he was too weak to clean up--not to mention I didn't want him to ingest whatever had caused this to his system--I trimmed off the long fur under his tail and down the back of his legs.

The only thing I could get him to touch was the juice off of thawed chicken breasts. Along with stopping the bleeding, dehydration was one of my main concerns. He would look at his water but go back to bed without drinking any... I googled "what can I do if my cat has bloody diarhea?"--and it was all your responses that made me decide to try this. The results are just incredible!!!

I would offer the chicken juice every hour and he would drink a little each time. After deciding to try the pumpkin, I presented the open can to him and he actual gave it two feeble licks, which gave me hope. I took a dab on my finger tip and forced him to take it. About 15min later he actually licked the gravy from some canned cat food. (this from a cat that had earlier turned down the liquid from a can of tuna) But when I grabbed a plate and served him a small portion he wouldn't have any more. An hour later I forced him to take another finger tip of pumpkin and 15 min later gave him some more gravy from canned cat food. Within the hour he used the litter box and the stool was a very pink/brown liquid--still a fair amount of blood. At this point he was still too weak to cover his toilet.

Since he'd eaten the gravies, I decided to try the paste with brown rice, broiled chicken breast and pumpkin---I just smashed it together as I don't have anything fancier. He ate about a rounded tablespoon. I left the fluids drained from a can of corn and the juice and oils drained from broiling the chicken breasts mixed with the tuna juice he hadn't eaten earlier. Throughout the day he would drink the fluids on his own--but he still wouldn't take anymore solids. I had to force 2 more dabs of pumpkin into his mouth--and now that he was feeling better, he was more capable of spitting it out.... So I let him go at his own pace.

This morning I stepped it up (only 36 hours since this started). He wouldn't eat solids and stuck with licking the gravy off his food. So I took the rest of the rice, chicken and added some more pumpkin, and I used one of those "pouches" of cat food--they have more gravy in them--skimmed out the food pieces and mixed the gravy with it. He actually ate half of it, and made sure he got all gravy off the rest--which has a lot more pumpkin in it now. So I opened another pouch and over the next hour I would bring him spoonfuls of a pumpkin-gravy mixed from a chicken catfood. I didn't want to give too much food at one time. In a couple hours he was eating some dry food. A stool he left a few hours later, although very loose, did have some forms beginning to take shape in it and no sign of blood. He's also energetic enough to bury his leavings now, piling the whole litter box on top of it. He says: "you've seen enough! "

Now in just 3 days he's completely back to his reguar self--and this from being at death's door. Pumpkin is a miracle cure!!

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Replied By Prada (Norfolk, England) on 10/20/2012

I was desperate to help my egyptian hairless cat, who almost over night went down with chronic loose stools, blood loss, watery eyes complete lethargy. I took her to the vet, paid for medication and a week later I seriously was considering that I needed to face the fact that she was proberly not gonna survive. So I scanned the net for home remedies that might assist in at least getting the diarrehea under control and re-hydrating the cat. Low and behold I see postings re Pumpkin, its pumpkin season here in England and so I headed off to the supermarket. I blended up the pumpkin, added fresh carrot and coconut milk, offered it to the cat, she licked and licked at this mixture, she even meowed for more, this was the first food she had taken for days. I would go as far as to say within twelve hours that cat was improving, withing 18 hours she was passing normal stools. Anyone who is familiar with the hairless sphynx breed you will know that these cats are incredibly needy and if they could be carried around all day they would be in their element. My angel lay on a hot water bottle for 8 days, one dose of pumpkin and it was like a miracle. It could all be a coincidence, but something tells me there could be something in this, well ime convinced anyway and so I am making up my paste and freezing it. Now I add pumpkin regularly to her meat feed.
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Replied By Myra Huff (Demotte, Indiana) on 04/27/2016

Is this pumpkin in a can?
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Replied By Pam E. (SouthWestern California) on 12/07/2022

Yes, 100% Pure Pumpkin Puree (organic if possible) mainly sold for making pies (not the stringy kind grown for making jack-o-lanterns from)!

Replied By Pam E. (SouthWestern California) on 12/07/2022

Yes, 100% Pure Pumpkin Puree (organic if possible) with NO sweeteners of any kind! (It isn't the stringy kind grown for making jack-o-lanterns from! )

Replied By TheresaDonate (Mpls., Mn) on 04/28/2016


The wonderful Theresa from Minneapolis, MN has been helping pet owners and their beloved pets around the world on Earth Clinic since 2013.

About Theresa

Theresa from Minneapolis was born and raised in the inner city, always wishing she had been raised on a farm.

Her love for creatures great and small began at an early age, starting with caterpillars - which continues to this day, along with an interest in all insects and 'creepy crawlies'.

Theresa's interest in pet health started with a bird keeping hobby at age 14, where she learned from another hobbyist that the simple addition of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in a bird's drinking water kept fungal infections away; she was able to share this with her avian vet who in turn prescribed it to her own clients; Theresa was surprised to learn that she could teach her vet a thing or two. This important lesson - that each of us can be a teacher - was a turning point for Theresa, and  fueled  her quest for the knowledge held in lore,  and remedies passed by word of mouth. That quest for knowledge continues to this day, as new and old remedies alike are explored. She may not have experience with a particular issue, but she will research it to the best of her ability and share what she finds freely, in the hopes that you can heal or improve your pet's health.


How To Show Theresa Your Appreciation

If you would like to thank Theresa for her helpful posts, she asks if you would please consider making a donation to one of her favorite local rescue organizations, or by making a donation to help the genius contributor, Ted from Bangkok, recover from his stroke.  




Yes, canned pumpkin but plain only, NOT the pre-spiced for pies.