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Breandan (Carlingford, Ireland) on 04/27/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My five year old son had a nasty wart on the knuckle of his right thumb. Duct tape, recommended to us by our doctor, got rid of it completely in about a week. Hasn't worked for me yet though!

My doctor froze the four I showed him, now I have around a dozen! Commercial solvents don't work either.

I'm off to try Apple Cider Vinegar (I have lots, I make it from my own apples), banana skin and voodoo potato treatment (which my family used, decades ago - it can also be done with a slug, if I remember correctly!). Maybe tea-tree oil and vitamin E if I can find them.

I had lots of warts, for years, in my teens but they just went away eventually, so maybe it is about an immune response.

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Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/01/2010

I have tried Thuja quite a few times for longer periods of time and it has never helped me at all. Glad it helps other people..... A long time ago me and a friend tried some tea and a cream. He had a lot more than I had, really awful, his disappeared completely, mine didn't change at all!