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V.srikanth (Bangalore, Karnataka-india) on 04/19/2010
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I started oil pulling almost two months back.The following advantages are seen.

1)No bad or sour from the mouth
2)Sleeping habits has improved
3)Frequent urination stopped during night times

Following disadvantage is seen
My eye sight has become dull
We use multiple oils for oil pulling


Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/19/2010

Hi, I have started oil pulling again after some problems with a filling in my tooth. First with sunflower oil and now with walnut oil as someone here had had great results with eye floaters. The floaters haven't disappeared (well, I have done it only three days), but I notice that I see a lot less with my contact lenses and that really worries me. Now I read your comment..... can oil pulling affect the eye sight? I thought that it would affect it in a positive way..... Maybe I will stop for a few days and see because I don't want my eyes which are rather weak to get any worse! I never had any problems while I did it with sunflower oil.....