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Shotzie (Lynchburg, Va) on 04/05/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Last night I had such an attack of gastric acid reflux I thought I was going to have a heart attack and die. I am not exaggerating. I tried everything ice, tums, milk.... Then I went on line and googled your site. I tried the baking soda 1/4 tsp in 8 oz of water and what a difference. WOW I am singing your praises today. Did sleep upright in the recliner finally got some sleep. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Why hasn't a doctor told me this before? Today I do have some chest congestion ( I think I got some acid in my lungs) but what a difference. I have bookmarked your site and will be here again. Thanks so much!!!
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Replied By Jane (New York) on 10/02/2010

I have tried may home remedies but nothing has given me the relief that baking soda has given, I would strongly recommend this.
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Replied By Mckenziee (Bluefield Va, Virginia) on 11/15/2010

I have acid reflux so bad, that it bends me over double, feels like a ball of fire right in the top part of my stomach, I mix a teaspoon of baking soda and half glass of water, and drink it, and within a min a so it is totaly gone, no medicines the dorctor has perscribed me worked, I mean none, this worked a mirace!!!
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Replied By Brian (Baltimore, Md) on 03/01/2011

I have pretty bad acid reflux. I've tried changing my diet, staying away from foods that are obvious starters for attacks. Nothing works. Somedays I wake up with it. A friend of the family, who is a doctor in rural michigan, turned me on to the idea of using baking soda and water. It kills the condition almost instantly when you have attacks. It is no cure... but man it is way cheaper than tums and boy does it ever work better.
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Replied By Trudy1989 (Waverly, Ohio) on 04/07/2011

Amazing, I just woke up with my most horrible acid reflux attack ever. was trying anything and everything to take away the burn and hurt. I started searching on the web for quick relief remedies. I came upon this one with the baking soda. WOW, WOW, WOW - I am amazed at how quickly it helped, literally minutes!!! Now I think I can go back to sleep - just 30 minutes ago I was bawling with discomfort!! Thank you for recommending baking soda in water - I know I will always have it on hand from here on out.
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Replied By Kareng (Sugarland, Texas, Usa) on 04/07/2011

I have suffered with Acid Reflux for a couple of years. In the beginning I could take these remedies and get relief as well. As it progressively got worse nothing would help and it would even occur when I drank only water or ate very little raw food. Through much research and experiments to find the CAUSE, I found that a good vegiterian Enzyme mixture, and a superior Acidopholis/Preboitics combo along with Liver and Gallbladder Support have solved the problem. I also found that I am sensitive to Nightshades (like peppers and tomatoes), these cause pain everytime! I believe this sensitivity along with my Gluten intolerance, Adrenal Fatigue and weight problems are just symptoms of Candida and Heavy Metal Toxicity. Through much Stress and poor health throughout my life I stuggle with these myriad ailments constantly. I have learned to look at everything as a symptom and then to search out the cause. So often we treat the symptom instead of the cause, which only gets us temporary relief.
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Replied By Cherie (Jacksons Gap, Al) on 08/31/2011

I honestly cannot believe that this worked! I was spending the weekend @ our lakehouse in AL. I woke up @ 2am with horrendous heart burn & relux. I have suffered from this condition on & off for most of my life, taking both over-the-counter & prescription medicines. Unfortunately, I was far far away from an open pharmacy or convenience store, and in desperation researched the internet for a possible home rememdy. Thank goodness I stumbled upon this site!!! The overachiever that I am, instead of using 1/4 tsp. of baking soda, I used 1/2 tsp. In 8 oz. of water. Though it was a little bitter, I drank all of it. After about 15 - 20 minutes, most of my reflux was gone. I was able to go back to sleep. This is truly a simple but effective cure. Yea!!!