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Ben (Portland, OR) on 01/25/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Great site here. It reminded me of the "accidental" cure I gave myself using H202. I had warts on the bottom of my right foot for months. The doctor would freeze them off and I was given cream. They would always come back. One day in the bathroom I was looking at them and said, "what the heck!". I poured H202 (the 3% drug store variety) over my foot. I didnt wash the peroxide off - I left it dry on. The next morning they were gone and never returned. That was 6 years ago
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Replied By Janelle (Pierre, South Dakota) on 05/08/2010

I went to the dr. for a lump on the top of my head. It started out as a pimple and ended up about the size of a quarter and was continuing to grow. The dr. told me to come back and she was going to cut it off. I didn't want this to happen so I had a week to work something out. I went to this site and found the Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda paste method and thought I would try it. I put it on my head morning, noon and night. After about three days it started to burn so I would just put it on at night. I went back to the dr. a week later and she told me to keep doing what I was doing and about a week later the thing is totally gone. I also have some skin tags and they work great for them also.