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Doug (Bellflower, Ca) on 03/16/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I rescued a 2 year old (roughly) Boxer on September 26th, 2009 and named him Clyde. He is the absolute best dog I have ever owned! Shortly after I adopted him, though, I noticed that he had a lump on his face beside his right eye. It took me a few weeks to spot it because of his wrinkly boxer face. It didn't seem to bother him at all so I decided to keep an eye on it for a while. About a month ago I took him to the vet to have the lump looked at because it seemed to be growing (about the size of a grape at its largest).

They performed a "fine needle aspirate" to determine what it consisted of and they concluded that it was a "probable keratin filled subaceous cyst". (The test alone cost $250!) They said that it would eventually have to be surgically removed. I was pretty freaked out because I am getting married in May and cannot afford to fork out the amount of money that would be required to operate on him.

I was looking into the problem online and stumbled onto Earth Clinic where I read about using Turmeric as a cyst remedy. I ran to the market and picked up a jar of Turmeric powder and began sprinkling 1/2 tsp of it into his food morning and night (totaling 1 tsp per day). His first dose was on Wed (3/10/10).

On the following Mon night (3/15/10 (tonight)) I came home and found the cyst draining a brownish, reddish goo! Once I began treating him with the Turmeric the lump seemed to grow. I was beginning to wonder if it was going to work but I think it only appeared larger because it was bringing the material to the surface to drain.

The lump is not gone just yet but it is rapidly venting its contents and I am sure it will be gone in no time! (I'll post another comment if I'm wrong).

I am ecstatic with the knowledge that I don't have to spend a gazillion dollars and put by my buddy through surgery!

I don't usually write reviews and I am super skeptical when it comes to alternative medicine but this is no joke! EC saved me big money so I figured it was worth sitting down for a few minutes to share my experience. Turmeric rules and I plan to go tell it on the mountains!

Thanks EC!

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Replied By Gilda (Fayetteville, Nc, Usa) on 05/18/2010

I was searching for a natural cure for my dog Lizzy's cyst on her head. My other dog had one in the same spot and it cost a lot to have it frozen off. I tried using the turmeric on Lizzy's food( I would say I used about 1/8 teaspoon on each meal, just sprinkling enough to cover her food) and now her cyst is almost flat!!!I have been using it for about a month. I am so happy for these posts about turmeric. I will start using it on my family's meals from now on!
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Replied By Regina (Soldotna, Alaska) on 12/15/2011

I have a Lab/Australian Shepard mix. She has 3 tumors, one in her neck, one on her top front leg joint and one on her stomach. I have been giving her Curcumin in capsule form for about 3 weeks. Her tumors are getting bigger but she is not showing any discomfort. It is scaring me about the change. What should I do?

When the vet checked her he said they were fatty tumors.

Should I stay the course, I have read that sometimes they get bigger and then heal. Any help for my best FRIEND is greatly appreciated. Money is really tight for me but I want to make sure she is o.k.

Thanks so much, Regina