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Patti (Jamestown, Ohio, United States) on 02/18/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site just looking at natural ways to treat different things. My husband is 71 & hurt his back sweeping our porch. Going & going to the doctor but not much help. The pain in his leg was awful. He could not find a comfortable position no matter what he did. For two nights he walked the floor just trying to get some relief. I saw the crystalized ginger for scatica and thought it was worth a try. When I tell others how much it helped him I get a funny look but it surely did. On Saturday, about noon he ate two pieces. Two more about 3 and two more around 6 that evening. He slept Saturday night for the first time in 3 weeks AND he has had NO pain in the leg since. His back is still some sore and tender but the pain that went from his hip almost to his foot is 100% total gone. So I would say to anyone with sciatica to at least give it a try. He is eating 3-4 pieces a day now. May try not eating and see if it stays gone. Just wanted to share this so if someone is wondering if this really works is did for my husband. Got it at Krogers in the dried fruit area. Came in a bag like dried cranberries are in. They also had it in the spices but alot more expensive.
Love this site and all the information here.
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Replied By Patti (Jamestown, Ohio) on 04/05/2011


So good to know others tried the ginger and it worked for them.

My husband is still using it, just a piece or two everyday. He still have that back pain but never has the scatica pain unless he goes several days without eating any ginger. I have told many people and those who really gave it a good try got alot of pain relief. It really is amazing. My hubby kept saying "I don't believe how much better my leg is, can it really be the ginger"? Earth Clinic has been a lifesaver more than once for us. Thanks to everyone who keeps it up and running and prayers to Ted.