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Nikki (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 01/19/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Acidophilus, Folic Acid and Peroxide for Bacterial Vaginosis

I found this website in a desperate online search to find something to naturally cure my BV. I have been dating my boyfriend for about two months and have noticed over the last month a HORRIBLE fishy smell, it even permeated my clothing at work and I was SO embarrassed! I kept washing repeatedly and it only got worse. I stumbled on to this website and read EVERY review, and decided to try washing with H202 and taking the acidophilus and folic acid. I went to the store on my lunch hour, came back to work and took 5 probiotic acidophilus capsules. I also took 4-400mcg folic acid pills and even inserted two acidophilus vaginally. The capsules inserted vaginally didn't seem to dissolve, just kind of sat in there and the outer lining broke down. After one full day - I noticed a slight improvement - but felt pretty disheartened after seeing so many people have immediate results. I took the same dosage twice the next day, and inserted three capsules vaginally. I continued rinsing, yet never douching with H202 and by the third day, when I had sex with my boyfriend (sorry to be graphic) there was NO smell, NO whitish discharge left on him. I used to be SO embarrassed to have sex with him, and now everything is AWESOME! ONLY THING TO NOTE - YOU MUST KEEP TAKING THIS. If you do not - it WILL COME BACK. I forgot to take my vitamins for a few days and didn't think anything of it until I got a faint whiff of a funky odor - I was back to taking them SO FAST! But yes - it does work - and it was a lifesaver. Thanks to all the ladies who have posted their stories on here and it was so nice to know I was not alone, being a clean woman with an icky (and HORRIBLY embarrassing) problem!


Replied By Nissa (Corvallis, Or) on 08/28/2010

I found this website more than a year ago. I have been plagued by BV for years. Seems like everytime my husband and I are "active" a few times a week I would get an infection. It occured to me to search the internet as there are so many new sources of info. ANYWAY I tried the peroxide alone becuase that is what I had on hand. I douched 2X a day with 1/2 peroxide 1/2 water. IT WORKED. For the next few months if I ever felt any symptoms creeping back I would douche again, once or twice a day. It would stop it from taking hold if you know what I mean. Since I started this I have only had maybe ONE episode! It is amazing!!! I am free of it!