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Rita (Hunstville, AL) on 07/10/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I just wanted to comment that I personally use hydrogen peroxide each and every day to help clean my ears with a Q-tip. This actually helps to combat itchy ears and less wax buildup.
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Replied By Midwestmad (Rochester, Minnesota, Usa) on 06/10/2012

Does anyone know if this can be used if your eardrum is perforated? I had a tube in my ear for many years. It was supposed to come out after something like 10 years but it didn't and now it won't close. It isn't so bad, but I would love to treat this itchiness! I'm working on cleaning up my whole system, but it is a slow process.

Replied By Anonymouscat (Seattle, Wa) on 09/22/2012

I have itchy ears and use 50/50 distilled water and hydrogen peroxide. When it started up again, I insisted my doctor do a swab and send it to the lab, because I want it to be indentified. Also, if it is in your ears it is most likely in your sinuses.

Replied By Nancy (New Hope, Pa) on 07/24/2020

What were the results of the ear test?

Replied By Tamara (Arizona, US) on 10/21/2014

Something totally opposite than what you experienced. I have been using peroxide and water to sooth the itching and it actually made it worse. I got this tickling and popping in my ear and it felt so good I got hooked on it. So when I pour it in my ear it temporarily scratches it but in the long run it makes my ears so much worse. Now it is like an addiction and it is the cause of my manic severe ear itching and pain. Does anyone have any suggestions for helping me scratch my ear another way?

Replied By Gtcharlie (Los Angeles, Ca) on 10/22/2014

I had even worse experience with Hydrogen Peroxide. I wet a Q-tip with it and inserted it into my ear due to an ear infection, and I ended up with a hole on my ear drum. My ENT doctor said it will heal up but no, it is still there after two years! The only benefit is you won't feel pain and pressure in your ear if you go deep sea diving! Lol :(

Never attempt Hydrogen Peroxide on your ear. BAD!

Solution? Use ACV instead! It works like a miracle, faster than a prescription drug. I have ear infection often because of that little hole..dip a Q-tip into ACV, squeeze the cotton head gently to rid the excessive fluid. It helps with my itches too.

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Replied By Cathy (Portland, Tn) on 10/08/2015

I agree the hydrogen peroxide helps. It relieves the itch for a while. But if I don't do it for a few days it seems to be worse than ever.