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Shirley (Missouri) on 08/25/2007
5 out of 5 stars

On the latest post dated 8/23/2007 by Crystal who has severe RA at such a young age. I am sure Ted will have some good remedies for her, but in the meantime, I would like to tell her my story.

I am 64 years old. About 4 years ago my arthritis got so bad, it was difficult for me to walk to the mailbox and back and when going up stairs, I would have to take one step at a time. By that I mean, get one foot on a step and bring the other to that step and so on. I had to go down them the same way and be very careful to always hold onto the banister. My knees and hips were very painful all the time. I read in a book I had about taking organic apple cider vinegar, honey and water for different health reasons. Not sure what I decided to take it for now, but it wasn't for the arthritis.

Anyway I did begin to take the ACV everyday. I took it twice a day. One day I came to the stairs and walked right up them without any problems. I didn't think anything about it until I got to the top. Then I thought about what I just did. I couldn't believe I did that without any pain or effort. From then on, I have been walking stairs and taking long walks without pain. I mean NO pain. I do know it was the ACV drink because for one thing it was the only thing I was doing different at the time. Then I didn't take the drink for a few weeks. I guess I got lazy. The pain started to come back so I started back on it and the pain stopped immediately Now I take it for about a week and off 2 weeks or more but I don't have to take it constantly and that's working out for me. You have to use organic apple cider vinegar not the distilled. It should be 2 tablespoons ACV with the baking soda (so the vinegar won't harm the teeth) plus 1 tablespoon raw honey in a glass of water. I think in my case the pain went away so slowly, I hadn't noticed the change until that day I climbed those stairs. Crystal, please don't give up. It may take a while but I believe it will work for you too.

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Replied By Elyn (Oklahoma City, Ok) on 10/17/2011

I had been drinking 1 TBSP each of ACV and store-bought honey with really warm water morning and night. I began to really like the taste of it and it seemed to be helping my arthritis (I'm 53). BUT -- my teeth began hurting after several months. I think the acid was destroying my teeth. I wonder if the baking soda would help? I have granuloma annulare on both hands and arms-- a nasty, ugly, painless rash-- and it really lessened while I was taking the ACV. My boss and coworker noticed that it really had mostly gone away, so that was exciting. But I've shied away from the ACV because of my teeth. I will try it again with the little bit of baking soda. Thanks!
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Replied By Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 10/18/2011

Elyn, if the drinking of ACV (the contact w/ teeth) is your problem, there is available ACV in tablet form (the form I use). From my history of painful teeth, it was almost always a vit-D/Calcium deficiency. I've never tried it, but there is a growing need and awareness for the mineral Strontium, which is also important for bones and teeth. Also, vit-C is also critical for strong bones and teeth. Also, Oil Pulling might help regulate mineral balance in your body. Hope this helps. Good luck!
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Replied By Marco (Bologna, Italy) on 02/20/2018

Try using a straw, it helps greatly. Also consume plenty of liposoluble vitamins and try approaching intermittent fasting and oil pulling, you will then be able to get down the Apple Cider Vinegar without issues.