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Sally_oh (Escazú, San José, Costa Rica) on 12/27/2009
5 out of 5 stars

ACV cured my pink eye

I found this cure here at earthclinic and tried it: 1 cup warm water, just enough ACV (with the mother) to discolor the water, maybe a Tablespoon. Wiped the eyes with cotton and dripped a drop into my eye. Burns a lot, but it cured my pink eye.

I was not diligent and it came back so I'm going to start over. I've had this for over a year, starting to think I had a tumor or something... Since it wasn't constant and usually only really hurt when my eyes were dry, I didn't think about it until it started hurting. I'm working online now, so my eyes are dry a lot. The ACV treatment helped so much. Thanks, everyone!

REPLY   1      

Replied By Rebeccamichelle (San Anselmo, Ca, Usa) on 07/01/2010

I tried this cure. It made my pink eye worse. After the burning subsided the itching and grittiness was 10 times worse.