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Rv (Huntington Beach, Ca, USA) on 12/14/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Sea Salt for Pneumonia

I have (usually) mild asthma. I visited a dusty wildflower area and contracted fungal pneumonia. The doctor did not apply effective antibiotics, because the infection was fungal, and he initially misdiagnosed it. The infection continued for weeks, and hardened into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Over the next year I tried many remedies. Then I found an interesting fact. The ocean has millions of antibacterial virions per liter. This is why there are so few bacteria there: predation. I live in an oceanside city, and have no problem getting clean, fresh seawater. I spat some infected sputum into a bottle of seawater and diluted it to invisibility. The idea was that any virus would rapidly multiply by killing and eating the bacteria of my infection. Then over a week, I sprayed the water and inhaled it. My coughing got worse, but then air began to penetrate past the blockages and I began to cough them up; some looked like french fries. I'm now healthy.

I think a similar effort might work with artificial seawater made from organic sea salt. The idea is that it must be organic so that the antibacterial virions would need to be preserved in the salt.

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Replied By Ca (Pdl) on 11/10/2015

SEA SALT is probably good, however the part about bacteria not being in seawater is not actually true, there are times when there are a lot of bacteria in the Gulf, and there are warnings to be careful swimming or walking in it if you have any cuts.
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Replied By Cathy (AL) on 12/02/2021

LOL!! Too funny!! Sea water is very healing to infections, rashes, cuts etc. Why do you think Ponce De Leon when finding FL called it the fountain of youth? I had cellulitis on my leg for several years that no doctor could heal, and it kept getting bigger. Visited Mobile and waded in the sea at Dauphin Island. Looked down the next week and it was gone. Your statement is very much untrue.
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Replied By Julie (Crystal River) on 12/11/2021

We have a small beach here that is closed on occasions due to bacteria levels, so I can see truth in that but have also had a very large bad burn and was really surprised to see how well it had healed after going in salt water.