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Helen (Southport, Australia) on 08/21/2008
5 out of 5 stars

This is another way of applying egg white for reducing fever that I learnt from my Chinese Grandma. Hard boil the egg and remove the egg yolk. Put the hard boiled egg white including the shell in a handkerchief. Twist the content into a ball and massage body from head to toe. Brings the temp down instantaneously. My Grandma would also insert a silver ring in the egg white content when massaging. Silver would change to different colours when rubbed on different patients. This was used to diagnose the cause of the fever and then she would use (ying/yang) herbal treatment for the illness. Sadly, I am unable to read the silver ring. My children always ask for an egg massage when they have high temperature and it always does the trick.
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Replied By Karina (Munich, Bavaria) on 11/07/2009

Dear Helen, I just heard from a Chinese friend about this method in order to heal upset stomachs and was fascinated. Do you still remember some of the knowledge of your grandma in order to bring the ying/yang into harmony? If you ever find resources about this kind of treatment I would love to hear about it. It is so simple and effective. Blessings & Thank you!
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Replied By Tia (Oaxaca, Mexico) on 01/12/2011

Tried this on my husband as he had a fever, with chills and aches. After about 15 minutes, his fever broke and he started sweating. It's been two hours and he is still cool to the touch and says he feels stronger. Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this great remedy!!