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Danielle (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 10/15/2009
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

Hi. I have been oil pulling for approximately three weeks with coconut oil. At first with a little more than a tablespoon, more recently I have been measuring a tablespoon exactly. I do it in the morning once I get up before brushing teeth or eating breakfast. I rinse my mouth out afterwards and spit a few times.

Although it seems to be draining my sinuses, and the health of my gums have improved (better shade of pink, no more bleeding) and the white coating on my tongue has disapeared, my tooth sensitivity has been getting worse and my teeth have been turning more yellow. I can also see a line in one tooth now that looks almost like an internal crack and it feels like the outer layer of another tooth, near the base of the gumline has been scraped off. This seems to be the opposite of what most people experience.

I know that sometimes there is a worening of symptoms for a bit, but I haven't read any accounts of this happening with teeth, usually more with rashes, sinues etc.

Has anyone else had this problem? Did it get worse or better in the long run? Did your teeth become damaged? Should I stop oil pulling or continue on? I am afraid that my teeth are deteriating in front of my eyes due to some strange reaction that a rare few may have.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Replied By Jen (Salt Lake City, Ut.) on 10/27/2009

I have been oil pulling with Coconut oil for about 6 months now and have noticed a lot of great results including increased energy and clarity of toughts. However the most significant is the improvement of my skin. I was haveing frequent adult breakouts of acne patches all the time, that I never had as a teenager, when one breakout would begin to clear another would begin. After oil pulling for about a month, my skin is clear and beautiful- no more breakouts. I also use Coconut oil as my primary moistureizer for my entire body and for cooking! I would like to say- if you begin to breakout a little more than usual in the beginning, don't stop, give it time- your skin will clear out! Good Luck and Thanks EC!
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Replied By Craig (Round Lake, Il) on 02/02/2010

I just started (4 Days)the 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in the morning, with diabetes the first thing I notice is that my skin became smooth like I have been putting lotion on. No longer dry and scaly, I think it is the coconut oil.
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Replied By Rachael (Georgetown, Ohio) on 05/12/2010

Danielle from Toronto, did your teeth every improve? I OP for two weeks and my teeth became so sensitive that I could not eat. I haven't OP for 2 weeks at all now, and my teeth still hurt. Never had these symptoms before OP. Just wondering if i should have stuck it out!
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Replied By Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/13/2010

I was thinking of trying OP with coconut oil but now I am afraid. With several other kinds of oils I have had no real problems other than with my filling. Maybe I don't try coconut oil...