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Chrissie1704 (Wellingborough, England) on 08/13/2009
5 out of 5 stars

After reading your comments about apple cider vinegar, I decided to try it on my English cocker spaniel. She woke up with a gunky eye. I couldnt afford expensive vets fees, so decided after reading about ACV to try it. In my cupboard I had som ACV capsules I had used for dieting a while ago. I opened the capsule and smoothed the paste onto my dogs neck, close to the skin. I then rinsed it with warm water to dilute it a bit. Then in our supermarket I bought some ACV in a bottle and that evening I again put some neat onto the back of her neck and then some warm water. After first dose, within 2 hours or quicker her eye was clear, and I have not had any problems with her eye since! Amazing! really amazing, I have told everyone I know who have pets! Thank you for passing information on!

Replied By Lpino (Bridgeport, Ct) on 08/17/2009

I used this remedy on my dog and got the swelling down and she could open her eye its just a little red still. But it does work!

Replied By Ashley (Calais, Maine) on 04/14/2011

Does it have to be "apple cider" or can it be not malt vinegar?

Replied By Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 04/16/2011

i would use apple cider vinegar. i have also found that of everything I have tried castor oil works the quickest and best for me for conjunctivitis on all my pets and for me too. just place a little on a dampened cotton ball and wipe all over the eyelids. it doesn't hurt or sting and instead feels very soothing and you can do it without them really noticing which is best.

Replied By T (Doylestown, Pa, Usa) on 04/30/2011

I tried using the ACV-(_____s) I rubbed it into her neck, fed it to her everything until she stunk so bad. It did help greatly but would not kick the eye infection. Hers was green discharge, the whites of her eyes were red and her lower lids were swollen (she looked a mess). After two days I gave up on ACV and tried both a sterile saline and tea compress and also a few drops in each eye. Same thing as ACV, it helped but not a cure.

I kept looking online. I found a homeopathic remedy using Boric acid powder. I read people saying to use anywhere from 1/8 tsp. To 1 tbsp. In a cup of boiling water. I chose to use 1/2 tsp in a cup of boiled purified water. I wiped her eyes first thoroughly with the solution, then opened them and put a drop of two in each one. Saw very fast results and a day later she is completely cured. I repeated the treatment 3-4 times the first day. By the next she looked great and two more treatments the second day it was all gone. I have a golden retriever, about 50 lbs.


Replied By Bella Walls (Brisbane, Australia) on 06/15/2011

Guys Thanks so much for this information. I have recently inherited 2 Abyssinian Queens their 5 kittens and Egyptian Mau and her X Kitten and I already had 2 Russian Blues. (hubby jokes that I have the United Nation of cats!! )

Anyway, 2 of the kitttens came down with Runny eyes and now Most of the rest have them too. I have been cleaning their eyes with teabags twice daily, but no difference. I will try the ACV.

Let you know how it goes.