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Becky (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/10/2009

Mint tea for Hirsutism : This is not something I have direct experience with, but I have heard of a remedy for women with extra hair growth that is not listed here. It is spearmint tea! Yummy, right? You can probably find more info by googling it but I heard an herbalist talking about how mint tea will lower testosterone in women. Apparently it can start working within a week, drink two cups of mint tea a day. If anyone tries it please share your experience. Sounds like a really easy remedy to try. :-)
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Replied By Miss G (Columbia, Ky) on 12/11/2009

I had a horrible problem with facial hair for a very long time. I read somewhere that spearmint tea would help reduce facial hair. I began 1-2 quarts of spearmint tea daily. I was so surprised to find that my facial hair disappeared! I am a firm believer in drinking spearmint tea. I also found out that if I skip a day or two of drinking the tea that my facial hair would come back. Spearmint tea along with tumeric has also helped reduce the amout of boils that I have!
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Replied By Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 12/12/2009

Do you take fresh spearmint and make a tea or just buy the spearmint tea in a box at the store? When you say 1 to 2 quarts a day, how many tea bags or spearmint leaves would that be? Thanks

Replied By Missg (Columbia, Ky) on 12/13/2009

I order my spearmint tea bags off the internet. I live in a rural area and it is hard to find specality items in the local stores. I take 3-4 tea bags and put them in a 10 cup coffee maker. I fill the coffee maker up with water just like I am making a pot of coffee. After the tea is brewed I take a 2 qt pitcher and pour the hot tea in it. I then add some type of sweetner to taste and fill the pitcher up the rest of the way with water. Then I leave it in the refridgerator to cool. I usually make a pot every day. I can tell a big difference in my facial hair if I skip a day or two. If I remember correctly it took a couple of weeks before I could notice a difference when I began using it. Good Luck!
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Replied By Tessa (Auckland, Nz) on 09/22/2010

Hi - I have been drinking approx 2 cups of organic spearment tea for about six months now - I have not noticed any difference yet. I would also like to add that my facial hair also got A LOT worse after getting laser treatment. I am now going to try the Alum or go back to electrolysis.
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Replied By Sandy (Toronto, Ontario) on 02/24/2011

I've had excess facial hair since age 19 (I'm 22). I tried laser hair removal and let me warn all of you LASER MAKES FACIAL HAIR WORSE!! Instead of getting rid of the dark hairs, I now have a peach fuzz, PLUS the darker hair. I've heard of many other woman who have experienced the same thing.

I've been getting electrolysis for almost a year now, on a weekly basis and I'm starting to see results... But it takes a long time!

Anyways, on to mint tea. I read that it helps with excess facial hair, by blocking free testosterone in your body (or something of that nature). I can honestly say that I notice a big difference during the weeks that I drink mint tea daily vs. weeks where I forget. The growth of the dark hair is minimilised considerably.

For anyone battling annoying facial hair, I suggest you try it. You have nothing to lose, as it's delicious and nutritious! I buy plain old peppermint tea bags from the grocery store.

Hope it works for you!

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Replied By Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx) on 06/01/2012

Will drinking spearmint tea slow down other hair growth everywhere else too? It seems to me that internal methods (i. e. Not topical) can't pick and choose where they act - they effect all over. I don't want to slow down my hair growth for my shoulder length blonde hair, which I am trying to grow out. Maybe Ted can help, what is it in the mint tea that makes it work for facial hair reduction? Also mint anything makes me sneeze, dont know why. I think it is the menthol naturally in it. Had facial hair and spiky chin hairs (and lifelong battle with inability to lose weight) since I was a teen - I think it might be a larger issue. TY - citygirl from Richardson, Texas.

Replied By Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 06/02/2012

Hi Citygirl27, Have your hormones checked because you may have too much testosterone that could be causing facial hair.

Replied By Catherine (Colorado Springs, Co) on 06/03/2012

Hi citygirl27, the symptoms you describe sound like polycystic ovarian syndrome. You should research it and see if some of the remedies here would work for you. You don't have to have cysts to have it. Good luck!

Replied By Lu (Armenia) on 09/12/2012

It works, I had high levels of prolactine, and no menstruation during almost a year, and thus upper lip and chin hair, even if after treatment I started to have menstruations but the hair were stil there, started drinking mint tea since last january and in march already the hair started to fall... On my face now everything is ok, good luck!!!

Replied By Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 10/13/2012

I have every reason to believe I am an MSG baby I. E. It was especially heavily used in baby food and vaccines during my formative years (1971-2) and I even got epilepsy at the exact time of a vaccine (18 months). I suffer from a damaged hypothalamus, evident by all of my imbalances being exact symptoms of it, such as excessive sweating and unmovable weight. I know that all of my hormone levels are high, except leptin. If they were low, I could raise them in clever ways, but too high means it can't be compensated for. Unfortunately, it is not fixable and not operable. Even if something could be done, I have no job or insurance, so that rules out pretty much everything outside of EC.

Replied By Anon (Anon) on 06/07/2020

Lazer worked for a friend of mine. She had it done at a spa. Had to go back every few weeks for a total of 6 trips, or so. You might have used a disreputable technician.

Replied By Anon (Anon) on 06/07/2020

Old post but opiates are said to slow the central nervous system. Poppy seeds might be worth experimenting with.