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Bee (Edmonton, Ab, Canada) on 08/05/2009

I used to use raw organice apple cider for gargling when I had a sore throat. now I cannot find the recipe that I used to use. Any help would be appreciated.

Replied By Jane (Leeds, Uk) on 10/16/2009

I just started with sore throat I had forgotten about apple cider vinegar I just gargled with it then drank it and followed it with a small glass of fresh lemon juice in water and my throat is way better already!

Replied By Rebekah (Newnan, Ga) on 03/31/2011

It early morning and I'm up searching the Internet for a home remedy for a sore throat and I came across this website. I have never tried Apple Cider Vinegar for a sore throat before but I think I will try it. My mom is pro-acv and uses it in a lot of her stuff as well as drinks it in her water. About a year ago I decided to take it and didn't know you should dilute it. Well needless to say it took my breath away. Going to try it this time but dilute it. Don't want a repeat of my last experience.

Replied By Urbangirl (Mke, Wi) on 04/05/2011

I was cracking up as my sore throat would not go away. I did several shots of vitamin C for two days, nothing, extra D3, nothing, did ACV gargles and now drinking it as hot tea with raw honey and lemon. It seems to be working. The first sigh of relieve in three days.