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Shannon (Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada) on 08/02/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I recently started taking alternating hot/cold showers. I start off quite warm then gradually make it as hot as I can for about 3 minutes then switch to cold for about 1 minute. I do 3 cycles and gradually make the hot hotter and the cold colder each cycle. I've only been doing this for 2 weeks now but the chronic headaches I've had for 30 years have lessoned (only 1 in the last 10 days-absolute heaven) and I've mysteriosly lost 8 lbs. (I'm quite obese) without changing my eating habits. The fact that it has been stinking hot the past 2 weeks and I'm sweating to death with no air conditioning could also be a factor for the weight loss! LOL My body temperature stays cooler for a few hours after my shower, even in this 30+ weather. I've also been doing some awesome meditations, listening to binaural beats and watching subliminal videos so it could be a combination of everything.

When I went to my Dr. last week and he asked how I was, I told him he'd better sit down. I've suffered (and I do mean suffer-suicidal thoughts daily) chronic depression for the last 17 years. I've gone off meds 3 times - once for 4 years even- but always end up crashing and need to go back on. Anyways back to the Dr. appt... I told him I had been HAPPY!!!! for 7 whole days and I hadn't cried since Sunday. The reason I cried was because I didn't know how long this would last. Had a bum day yesterday but not too bad today.

I thought it could be the combination of all the above or just my meds kicking in after trying 3 different kinds in 2 months. Not until I read all these posts did I think my showers could actually being contributing to my emotional well-being. Being 45, back in college with a bunch of 20 year olds, dealing with my disrespectful, pot smoking 17 year old son, chronic headaches and migraines, depression, hormone hostage (peri-menapause)... well I can use all the help I can get. I've also developed tennis elbow from being on the computer most of the day for school and homework. The showers haven't helped with that yet so I'm going to try emmursing my arm between my 2 kitchen sinks in hot and cold water.

Thanks for reading and I will definitely be checking out more of this website and referring my friends to it.

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Replied By Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 08/02/2009

Have you tried eliminating glutamate/excitotoxins from your diet? MSG, aspartame, etc.? I feel much better for it. That and adding borax, vitamin C, and turmeric. This is a great site. :)
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Replied By Seraphina (Lancaster, PA) on 07/17/2023

To the one who was suffering with tennis elbow and depression, might I recommend the Tennis Elbow brace from CVS. It helped mine tremendously. It's gray and is the regular store brand if I remember right . Good luck to you!