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Amber (Silver City, Nm) on 07/31/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic cured my yeast infection. The quickest way to cure a yeast infection naturally is to take a clove of garlic ON A STRING (I learned the hard way...) and use it as a vaginal suppository. After 2 days and 2 nights, no itching! If you do not use a string, the clove might have to be taken out by a friend or your partner. I have also tried dicing up 1 small clove of garlic and swallowing the pieces whole (do not chew) with a glass of water. I did this 2-3 times a day for a week and had good results.

Replied By Jessica ( Vancouver, Bc) on 04/08/2018

I do this as well. In addition, I place my chopped garlic on a spoon and cover the garlic with honey. It goes down easier ;)