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Marguerite (Staten island, ny) on 04/29/2007
5 out of 5 stars

hi--maybe you might think im crazy--but i came onto your website just by browsing out of sheer frustration two years ago i pulled neck muscles from lifting a heavy object--finally i went to the doctor after months of suffering he did tests and said i have degenerative arthritis in my 4-5-6 vertebra been there along time with no problem but he gave me a shot of cortisone ok it went away now two weeks ago i again lifted something heavy like my grandchild and bingo--i developed muscle spasms in my neck or pulled tendons-i don't but i refuse to go to the doctor-i don't like medications the pain was unbearable--because it activates my neck arthritis so i come upon the site and i started taking apple cider and honey with grape juice also --soaking a rag in acv and putting it on my neck with a heating pad bingo feels so much better can't believe it--i also want to know--i am allergic to the medication sulphur is that the same sulphur in glucosamine and chondroiton thank you marguerite

Replied By Anonymous (Arlington, Tx) on 10/04/2012

Tried it once, does seem to work. Thank you.

Replied By Stephanie (Fl) on 08/19/2017

I'm also allergic to sulfa antibiotics. It is not the same structure as sulfate salts in supplements. The only thing you need to be careful of is the artificial sweetener Acesulfame potassium. It is chemically similar and can cause an allergic reaction in people with sulfonamide allergies.