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Jackie (N. Cal, California) on 07/03/2009

Yesterday I woke up with my eye feeling scratchy and thought I must have done something in my sleep to irritate it. It was itchy and runny all day. Today it dawned on me that I must have pink eye since it felt worse. I have never had it so I was a little slow to figure it out. I went to the drug store and bought a homeopathic "relief" and after using it all day, I had no relief. When I found the acv remedy I immediatly tried it. I have acv with "mother". I put 1/4 tsp. in 1/2 shot glass of water and put a few drops in my eye and used the avc soaked cotton pad to wipe it. It did burn a little but so did the store remedy. It took about 1/2 hr. but already the gravely feeling and weeping has stopped. I just used it again and will continue to use it once an hour. I'll return with an update.
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Replied By Jackie (N. Cal, California) on 07/05/2009

Update on using acv and water for pink eye. Today is the 3rd day and I am 90% cured. No longer sensitive to light and eye is just barely swollen. There is just a bit of redness under the bottom lid but overall I feel great and can acutally read. I expect by tomorrow I will be back to normal. The most important thing though is that within 30 min. the gravely, itchy feeling left and did not come back.