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Donovan (Nassau, Bahamas) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

An effective remedy is a hot cup of tea with three drops of lozenges (Vicks or Equate). Personally, I prefer Vicks. Ingredients:
1. Hot Cup of Tea (Before adding sugar, place one drop of the desired cough/sore throat suppressant).
2. Wait 30 seconds.
3. Add 3 teaspoons of sugar.
4. Stir tea for 10 seconds. (This allows the menthol to mix with the tea and drop to dissolve).
5. Then add 2 more drops of the cough/sore throat drop.
6. Wait 10 seconds and it's done and ready to consume.

If done accurately, you should be able to smell the menthol vapors from about a foot away. I should also warn you that the 1/4 of tea left in the cup will be the very strong and may taste equivalent to that of a cough syrup (not as harsh) but it works. With 2 or 3 cups of this, you should be ready to go. Enjoy.


Replied By emach07 (Muskegon, MI) on 01/19/2009

I have tried many things and although hot tea can be soothing on the throat you don't want too much caffeine or you may just over due yourself and you need rest but one thing you definitely want to stay away from as much as possible is sugar(with the possible exception of Honey) as it literally tears down ones immune system. So far Hydrogen Peroxide is the only thing that really worked for me although warm salt water worked for a few minutes but didn't last. I have heard a lot of positive things about Cayenne Pepper but haven't tried it yet.

Replied By Nana (Chicago, Il) on 06/17/2011

My mother always gives me hot tea with a touch of lemon and a hint of honey for my sore throught. To be honest, nothing works better!

Replied By Savannah (Lancaster, California) on 05/04/2012

Thank you for your hep. I am a singer battling a sore throat and this really helped!