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Robin (St. Augustine, FL) on 06/25/2009
5 out of 5 stars

It is my wish to relieve people of the embarassment of the stigma that goes with walking around with huge, weeping, gross cold sores on the lips. You DO NOT have to live with this anymore. Ever!! At the first sign of 'tingle' get some of your OWN ear wax, yes, I said ear wax, via swab, finger or whatever....and apply to the tingle spot. That cold sore will never come into fruition. You will feel the battle going on immediatley. Do not guffaw and say 'ewwww gross' as this is a very real effect. Of course you are not going to want to run your tongue around your lips for about a day....but so what? I've never, ever suffered another cold sore again....This is a solid thing. Your ear, nose and throat are all one and if one gets 'infected', the others send out 'soldiers' so the whole system is not infected. Your ears have the remedy for cold sores. Just do it and don't hem and haw. It is 100% effective. Get over the gross out factor and allow what nature produces to do what it's supposed to do. You don't even have to tell anybody how you are cold sore free....they probably can't handle it but it's nice to know that you have the 'lip balm' that will free you from that dreaded situation. You can do this in any stage of the will halt its tracks upon application...but why wait till you're sporting the fugly scab? When you feel the tingle....start harvesting nature's remedy supplied in your own ear. And have a blessed day.
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Replied By Gladys (Boise, Idaho) on 08/18/2009

My Mother suffered from cold sores, My Great grandmother always said use your own ear wax. Grandma was from the Old Country..When I got married my husband suffered with cold sores, So I told him what grandma used to say to mom. Use your ear wax. After many Years of going thru this. I told him again and also saying i will not tell you again and to just suffer. Well to my surprise he tried it and from then on. he was telling all of his friends. My last words were not to lick your lips.
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Replied By Jenna (Pittsburgh, Pa, Usa) on 02/01/2010

This is a crazy idea, but it is on my lips as i write this and i do feel something!! I do EVERYTHING there is: lysine, diet changes topical ointment, tea bags, ice, and annything else i can find and they always last over a week! can't wait to see how this goes, will definitely update you!!