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Brigitte (Evanston, IL) on 06/16/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Hello, ladies! The apple cider vinegar does work better than or at least as well as over the counter remedies. I was taking antibiotics and became itchy and irritated in the vulva area. My external vagina was extremely sensitive and was so raw in between the folds of skin that rubbing it with a cotton swab actually produced a bit of blood! I was mortified at the sight of that and instantly had the creeps. I'd already been reading about acv and it's health benefits so I decided to give it a try. I just dipped the tip of a cotton swab into the vinegar and dabbed it directly on the irritated skin. It burned like crazy for a few moments but then quickly subsided, within a few minutes I felt relief! Less itching and irritation. Later on that evening I did it again after my shower. The next morning when I wiped myself I was 95 percent better! No itching, no discomfort NO drops of blood. I decided to do it one more time just to be certain that it was gone and walla! I only used the Q-tip dipped in apple cider vinegar with no dilution! That may be a bit too harsh for most women so I recommend that they dilute with a bit of water. I'm sure that it will still have the same benefits in a weaker version. Thanks to all the people who took time to post result and testimonies! That is always appreciated by those that are indecisive about trying home remedies. I'm totally satisfied with my results and have now encouraged my daughter to try it. If it works for her then I will post again. Here's to a happy and healthy vagina!
REPLY   2      

Replied By Nickie.. (Memphis, Tn) on 09/21/2010

Hello ladies! I have been getting a yeast infection after my cycle for about five months now. Myself and can you believe it, so have my sisters.. Anyway it makes me want to slide down a wooded fence with bricks on the end.. Lol anyway ACV has helped so much.. I was sick of going to the doctor to make there pockets bigger and my pockets smaller prescribed the same medicine and still no relief.. Thanks for your post may god bless us all..

Replied By Supermom (Rathdrum, Idaho) on 09/23/2010

I got my first yeast infection a month ago and went right down to the drugstore for the "one day treatment. " It got rid of my yeast infection all right- but It gave me the worst cramps I've ever had and I sufferred some intense nausea. Was it worth it? Heck yeah! I think we can all relate to wanting to grind up on some sandpaper and not being able to! LOL- anyhow, this dreaded curse has returned so I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar. I took a bath first, then when I got out I locked the bathroom door, laid down on a towel and basically just doused my goods with the vinegar. I did not dilute- I just wanted to get straight to the issue! Boy- it BURNED, but only for about 30 seconds, after that I felt an almost soothing warmth. I will keep it up for a few days to make sure I've killed it and not just angered it. But so far, so good! Keeping my fingers crossed. Feeling human again right now :)