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Nancy (New Jersey) on 11/12/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Just gargle with half strength 3% hydrogen peroxide, that's half peroxide and half water, twice a day. (the foaming action is nasty but the effect is well worth the unpleasant taste.) A sore throat will disappear within two days. You can add a salt water gargle between the peroxide gargles to be well even faster. (Peroxide will not treat strep. If the symptoms do not improve or if a high fever is present, please see your doctor.)

Replied By Ruth (Mississauga, Ontario Canada) on 02/13/2012

I am the most skeptic person to try home remedies. I got the cold 5 days ago which gave me fever and terrible sores on my mouth. I gargled with Hydrogen Peroxide 3% diluted with water, also put some drops on my ear. I feel 90% better than 12 hours ago when I tried this marvelous remedy. Now it is part of my survival kit. Health and happiness.