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Alice (Stonewall, MS) on 05/03/2009
1 out of 5 stars


Canola Oil Should not be used for Oil Pulling. Canola Oil is not a natural oil. It is a genetically modified version of Rape Seed Oil. I would not recommend using it for oil pulling or cooking. Research shows it has a tendency to leave scaring on your heart after continued use.

Also, do not use peanut oil. I was told when I first started pulling not to use it because of the mold it develops after it is picked.

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Replied By Christinej (Surprise, Arizona, Usa) on 07/09/2010

Canola oil should not be used for oil pulling. I agree with this comment 100%. I have researched Canola oil and it is bad stuff.
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Replied By Chris (Paris, On) on 01/31/2011

UUUH... Rape seed oil and canola oil are the same thing... They just changed the name to please the masses... Rape seed oil sounds wrong apparently... PS, almost everything you eat, drink, and see is genetically modified... Even yourselves... Sleep tight
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Replied By Amy (Mentor, Oh, Usa) on 04/19/2011

True, Canola is "Canadian Rapeseed" abbreviated. Also sadly true that much of what we have easy access to is genetically modified, but by doing research, knowing our grower/rancher, we really can avoid most of it. That's how I do sleep tight.
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Replied By Kittycat (Livermore, Ca) on 04/30/2012

I would not suggest using canola oil for op or anything period! I was getting constant headaches and congestion and awakening sick and sore and finally pin pointed it to ingesting canola oil, (not OP). In fact, OP with sesame oil was the only thing that would help with the headache. If your feeling icky and dont know why, try eliminating canola oil. This is not easy as they put it in near everything, including so called health food. But once I stopped ingesting it I felt sooo much better. Its one nasty oil, not meant for man nor beast!
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Replied By Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 01/27/2013

Canola is a modified version of rape. I don't know if it was done by cross breeding or by GMO but it was done to reduce the acidity of the oil as the acidic rapeseed oil was considered to be unhealthy. I use grape seed oil for all my cooking as it has zero cholesterol. I am 54 and have "the blood pressure of a healthy 150 pound 18 year old" at 330 lbs.. Has anyone used grape seed oil for oil pulling?
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Replied By Actua (Nowhere, Al) on 08/18/2013

Canola is genetically modiied in the same way your prized begonias would be. It was created using traditional crossbreeding techniques and is no more superscience than bananas are-by the way, look up the Gros Michel die off an then the current crisis with the Calabash.

Canola was bred to remove the toxins that at the time would be deadly. As it now stands, the presence of those chemicals is laughable. Canola oil is both cheap and healthy when compared to most other oils and can be considered the poor mans extra virgin olive oil. Get your facts straight.

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Replied By Douglas (Md) on 08/19/2013

No canola oil is not at all healthy. It is one of the main causes of diabetes. When using canola oil it takes 6 months to undo the damage from 1 serving of this nasty oil. It places an artificial fat wall around your cells walls that disrupt the electrical balance of your cells. This fat wall then does not allow glucose to properly penetrate. This knocks your pancreatic cells out of whack which produce Insulin and causes blood sugar imbalance. You can fix this in about 6 months if you cut out all canola oil as well as all margirin and vegetable oil. Buy a bottle of cold pressed Flaxseed oil and a bag of ground flaxseed. The ground flaxseed has to be used as soon as its introduced to the air because it goes rancid very quick. The flaxseed oil must have the top secured at all times and kept away from heat and light. Mix 1 table spoon with 2 tablespoons of 4% milkfat cottage cheese. Or you can double the amount depending on how hungry you are. Mix very well. Take this mixture and add in 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Mix well and you can optionaly add cinnamon for blood sugar balancing(it mimmicks insulin) and apricott or organic fruit of your choice. Eat this 3 times per day. This diet is known as the budwig diet and it reverses diabetes as well as cancer. Avoid taking vitamin C when using this diet at least 3 hours before or after eating. The flaxseed oil mixes with the fat of the cottage cheese in a way that makes it become water soluble. The oil then can bypass the liver and directly bring oxygenation to your cells and organs through your blood stream. Your diabetes will be reversed within 6 months or less if you eliminate all bad fats especialy canola, margerin, and vegetable oils. Also if you can get organic cottage cheese that is the prefered type to use. God bless and good luck to everyone. Sending light and love out to all that read this!!!!!!!!!!
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Replied By Larry (Fairfax, Va) on 08/19/2013

Reply to Douglas, MD: I found your comments very valuable, especially re:diabetes. To overcome the ill effects of using canola oil, you recomended following the Budwig Protocol. You mention mixing flaxseed oil with 4% min., milk fat content cottage cheese; but my researching of the Budwig Protocol shows that lower milkfat content cottage cheese is optimum (eg, 2% fat content cottage cheese or Quark). The lower fat content cheeses allow the flaxseed oil to become more water-soluble, enabling it to more easily enter the body cells.

Replied By Douglas (Md) on 08/21/2013

No canola oil is not at all healthy. It is one of the main causes of diabetes. When using canola oil it takes 6 months to undo the damage from 1 serving of this nasty oil. It places an artificial fat wall around your cells walls that disrupt the electrical balance of your cells. This fat wall then does not allow glucose to properly penetrate. This knocks your pancreatic cells out of whack which produce Insulin and causes blood sugar imbalance. You can fix this in about 6 months if you cut out all canola oil as well as all margirin and vegetable oil. Buy a bottle of cold pressed Flaxseed oil and a bag of ground flaxseed. The ground flaxseed has to be used as soon as its introduced to the air because it goes rancid very quick. The flaxseed oil must have the top secured at all times and kept away from heat and light. Mix 1 table spoon with 2 tablespoons of 4% milkfat cottage cheese. Or you can double the amount depending on how hungry you are. Mix very well. Take this mixture and add in 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Mix well and you can optionaly add cinnamon for blood sugar balancing(it mimmicks insulin) and apricott or organic fruit of your choice. Eat this 3 times per day. This diet is known as the budwig diet and it reverses diabetes as well as cancer. Avoid taking vitamin C when using this diet at least 3 hours before or after eating. The flaxseed oil mixes with the fat of the cottage cheese in a way that makes it become water soluble. The oil then can bypass the liver and directly bring oxygenation to your cells and organs through your blood stream. Your diabetes will be reversed within 6 months or less if you eliminate all bad fats especialy canola, margerin, and vegetable oils. Also if you can get organic cottage cheese that is the prefered type to use. God bless and good luck to everyone. Sending light and love out to all that read this!!!!
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Replied By Hotlava (Seattle) on 10/22/2013

Canola Oil should be strictly avoided- its ALL genetically modified, meaning genes from differing species are artificially added to the plant genetic reproduction... nothing to do with traditional agricultural genetic breeding (ex, begonias or apples)! The name itself is short for Canada Oil, and it is a modern agricultural product, not a centuries-old traditional food that has withstood the test of time in human nutrition.

Transgenic modifications were created for the sole purpose of a few corporations owning patent rights to our food supply, no matter how much they declare they are "feeding the world" and helping our meet out outrageous population needs. It's all political and economic rhetoric to increase their profit margins and corporate survival. Very little unbiased research has been PUBLISHED, meaning most scientific research on the topic is contaminated with economic agendas.

Human's have farmed for how long without the help of Monsanto/ DuPont? And now those companies own the game!

Google "Institute for Responsible Technology" to get a list of documentaries that will change your life regarding the topic (plus a host of powerpoint slides showing GMO food health implication in animal studies). is another good resource. Educate yourself about the health impacts of GM foods and agriculture, and don't buy into big agribusiness' political campaigns!

The best step forward is to have manditory labeling of GMO's on our food labels, so we can have personal soverignty (right to choose), and we can pay attention to what we are REALLY eating.

If avoiding GM foods improves a person's health, then so be it! If not, then we can research with a new hypothesis! This is the scientific method, currently being denied to the American Public due to corporate manipulation.

Any time I am force-fed information that is convenient to corporations or corporately-owned governments (*cough*), I ask myself "who is profiting off this information?"

Blessings to the Earth Clinic community... people's power is in learning and educating themselves!

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Replied By Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/23/2013

Go to Just Label It and help fight this injustice.
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Replied By Louise (Utah) on 10/16/2016

It is my understanding that genetically modified means roundup is infused into the seeds to kill insects to protect the plant. This is the reason bees are dying. And this is the reason that wheat and corn are so dangerous to eat. And this is the reason some countries have outlawed Roundup. Farmers flood their wheat fields with roundup to create a stronger crop to make more money which is wiping out the bee population. Without bees, we have no food. It's a scary situation. Genetically modified is a misnomer.
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Replied By Dee (Mountain West USA) on 05/13/2022

GMO involves lab insertion of unnatural genetic material into the 'host' seed or animal - In the early stages of this experimentation, news articles were full concern from chefs about the prospect of people with shrimp allergies dropping dead in their restaurants due to the insertion of shrimp genes into tomatoes. They wanted labeling. Labs create 'Roundup-ready" soy which will tolerate overdosing of Glyphosphates. Same with BT corn - able to kill the borer, and also'ready' to tolerate incredible overpoisoning with chemicals. But people then eat of this stuff. And the evidence continues to mount about the deleterious effects of eating these foodlike substances.

But GMO experiments went way beyond that. By now you may have read about their implanting of human genes into wheat, spider genes into goats, etc.

Anyone who still believes the industry's marketing hype about GMOs being no different from products of 'natural selection' has not done their own research.