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Vibs (New Delhi, India) on 12/21/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I am quite prone to sore/strep throat since childhood. Just few months back I had a bad throat and I was avoiding anti biotics. So I read about cayenne on the net. I tried gargling with cayenne twice but was not very sure about it, although it gave me some releif, and decided to stop it (which I should not have) and took anti-biotics and faced all its side effects. Yesterday again I had a sore / red / painfull throat with fever, and I decided to go for cayenne. I took 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne in lukewarm small cup of water and gargled every 2 hours during the day. Also I took homeopathic belladona medicine side by side. And today I am feeling much better and working. I want to say JUST TRY IT there are no side effects.

Replied By Bobby (Sicksburg, Tennessee) on 01/06/2012

My throat was sore last night. Woke up and its all inflamed with a sharp pain when I swallow. Looked in the mirror.... Its strep...... Went to the doctor, waited an hour..... Ended up getting two shots instead of amoxicillin (allergic)...... Had to pay $92.50, no insurance.

I just tried 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper, tsp of lemon juice, tsp of honey, dash of cinnamon, in about 8oz of hot water...... pain was immediately cut in half! Pain returned to about 75% after around 15 minutes....

I won't be able to tell if this treatment can actually cure this bacterial infection since I am shot full of anti-biotics... However I can attest to the wonderful pain relief delivered by cayenne! Thank you so much earth clinic!