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Shirty (Beverly, MA, USA) on 04/22/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Re the comments about urine for the complexion: A Russian nurse told me about a middle aged woman who had the most beautiful, clear ski. Apparently, she applied her own urine to her skin. When you think of it, it is not that strange. The most expensive facial creams contain uremia, basically urine. So, why not give it a try.
REPLY   3      

Replied By Paul (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/03/2022

I sometimes massage my skin with urine, leaving it in/on my skin a few minutes before opening the shower water.

Older urine leaves the skin cleaner and much more velvety than fresh urine. You can massage the scalp too.

I "age" the urine in a bottle, and close it with a twist cap to prevent smell and potential spillage in the room. As it "ages" it has more of an Ammonia smell to it. Some people have said aging in the open air is better, but I share a house with other people that would be freaked out about urine therapy. Aging in a "sealed" bottle becomes a practical way for my situation. Because of this secrecy and having to conceal a bottle of urine going to the shower/ bathroom, I dont do it regularly.

In addition, I prefer the urine from periods of eating quality whole foods, but urine from other periods can still have a positive effect on the skin.