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James (Summit, NJ) on 04/18/2009
5 out of 5 stars

The last two years or more I've been watching a mole like growth on my lower leg next to my calf. It didn't do much for a while but about six months ago it started to grow. It was about half inch across, maybe slightly less. It had a brown reddish dark hue. The texture was scaly and bumpy. Edges were irregular. It did have a more "round" shape. In short, it was the classic melanoma. I looked on the web and yes there it was in dozens of photos. An angry dark spot spreading out. I figured it was time to get to the Dermatologist but for some reason I held off. I started to take turmeric as a supplement in my morning smoothies. Intially I took turmeric as a cure for a severe case of diahrrea, which it cured almost instantly. After some more research I started taking it every day. After about a month I noticed that my small melanoma was changing. It was becoming lighter, the edges were turning into new skin. Now it's almost gone after three months. New skin has taken over most of it. There is only a small area in the original center left which won't be there long from the looks of it. I put a teaspoon of turmeric in my berrie smoothie, which hides the taste. I actually like the tast of it so for me it's not a problem.
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Replied By Mindy (San Diego) on 09/14/2015

Woah, I would hesitate to call "anything" a melanoma (which is an intensely quick-spreading and very deadly malignant tumor) which is not biopsied and diagnosed by a lab. If anyone has an irregular, multi-colored, and/or changing mole or dark spot on your skin, please see a doctor asap, as melanoma is one of the deadliest cancers. Take turmeric, if you want, but please do not blow off the doctor for any amount of time--this is a cancer that is extremely deadly and I would hate for someone to die because they followed the lead of someone who self-diagnosed that he had cancer, when, in fact, it was not confirmed. Most likely, what he had was not cancer, but you never know (and because it was not biopsied, we never will know). At the very least, be under a doctor's care and let him/her know that you want to try curcumin. But please do not blow off seeing a doctor if you have these symptoms.
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Replied By Kevin B. (Australia) on 06/30/2016

I grind fresh home grown turmeric and eat about 20 grams a day. I also have malignant melanoma throughout my body. Turmeric is not stopping the spread of this disease. It may have some benefits but removal of my cancer is very questionable at least.

Replied By Jennifer (North Carolina) on 02/17/2023

Yes, I have read that curcumin kills cancer stem cells. I blend turmeric powder with coconut oil and even give it to my dogs for their joints.