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Mike (Durham, NC) on 04/09/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have had basal cell 4 times. I had surgical removal for two. That was the pits I assure you and left scars and was expensive. So the next time, I simply applied applecider vinegar full strength about 5 times per day until the basal cell spot scabbed over pretty good. For me, it took about 5 weeks. I simply dabbed some on the basal cell with my finger by wetting my finger tips and then dabbing some of the applecider vinegar liberally and directly to the basal cell site. It might sting just a little tiny bit. Leave it alone and let it dry naturally. Do the applecider vinegar about 5 times per day until the basal cell will scab over pretty good. It will start to appear as a whitish grainy looking scab and will be hard to the touch. The spot might just turn a purplish and not scab and that is OK also. It will not hurt. Then I left it alone for about two weeks and then I started to apply 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to the scab about 5 times per day at first and then decreased down to once a day until the scar was gone. I simply applied the peroxide with my fingers liberally to be sure the scab was totally wet. And they are gone and have not returned in over a year. The basal cell is totally healed and not noticeable at all.
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Replied By Beth (West Palm Beach, FL) on 04/22/2009

How did you know that the Basil Cell was all gone? Did you have another biopsy done?

I have a already had stage 3 melanoma and have had many Basil cells cut out. I now have a big spot just above my ankle that has to be removed. I am going to a plastic surgeon to have this removed because of the size. I am planning on using the cider vinegar for the next couple weeks prior to having it done in hopes that is becomes smaller so they won't have to take out as much and leave such a big scar.

Please if you can respond to this email that would be great!!
Thank you,
Elizabeth [email protected]


Replied By Eve K (Houston, Tx ) on 11/06/2009

I would have never known I had a BCC unless my dermatologist pointed it out... the removal was completely painless on par with having teeth cleaned..

Point of story, don't completely blow off Western Med, my experience is that most doctors are trying to help...

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Replied By Teresa (Sacramento, California) on 12/22/2010

I have had 15 surgeries on my face for basal cell cancer, 7 have been MOHS. My father doesn't have a scarless spot on his face. Yes, western medicine has it's good points, but I'm afraid of looking like a plastic surgery disaster. I've used Efedex and Aldara, had freezing done, etc. But these have only driven the cancer into the deeper layers of my skin (per Derm. ) I too, would like to know if all these claims of healing have been verified by biopsy or the Derm.

Replied By Tom (Regina, Sk) on 01/25/2011

Have you tried yet a skin cream, comes in a 20ml tube, that was first mentioned back in the mid-1990's by Dr. David Williams? Its active ingredient , a plant molecule glycoalkaloid, was isolated from a natural weed plant in Oz. This molecule is also found in eggplant. In the cream this active compound is called BEC-5, and it's so potent it's in it at 0.005%. It sailed through its clinical trials to approval, and is in fact now an Rx only medicine in many countries, but not USA (yet).

It treats BCC, SCC, actinic keratosis and keratoacanthomas, but not melanoma and does not leave a cratered scar as bloodroot sometimes can do.
You can find vids of this on U-Tube and Google video.

There is at least one USA website, in SanDiego (area code 858) that sells it online. It isn't cheap, about $120/tube.


Replied By Cathy (Melbourne Beach, Florida, Usa) on 05/28/2012

As a lifelong Florida resident I have dealt with my fair share of Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancers. I went the traditional route with surgical removal by a dermatologist and have the unsightly scars to show for it. On one visit my dermatologist pointed out a Basal Cell growth on the tip of my nose. I was horrified. I know what the scars looked like and there was no way I was willing to have the tip of my nose cut off. I did my research and found a book written by Dr. I Williams and Linda Comac called the Skin Cancer Answer, The Natural Treatment for Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas and Keratoses. In the book they reference an over the counter cream, from Australia. This cream is made from plant based glycoalkaloids. I found the cream offered by a company in New Jersey. Needless to say I ordered a tube (34.95 plus 5.95 shipping) and used it as directed. I applied twice a day and covered with a Band-Aid. I did this faithfully for 30 days. The basal cell carcinoma on the tip of my nose scabbed up and fell off, leaving healthy pink skin behind. I returned to my dermatologist. He inspected the site, scratched his head and proclaimed me basal cell free. It's interesting to note that Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world where this cream was developed from a common weed. (Solanum extract) It's good stuff and Australia has done the clinical trials to prove it.
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Replied By Andrea (Australia) on 06/01/2014

Re: Cream Removed Basal Cell Carcinoma. Hi there, loved your story, just wondering if you have a brand & cream name for the cream you bought, thanks :-)

Replied By Corinne (Chicago, IL) on 06/05/2014


Yes, do you have a brand name of the product you ordered from Australia? thank you so much. =)


Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 06/05/2014

HI U CORRINE, , , , , , what I think your are looking for is Curadurm which is made from egg plant. It has worked for me. The fellow who developed this ointment had to leave Australia because these folks are like our FDA, they don't like success. Google the name and you will get what you seek.

======OLE ROBERT HENRY========

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Replied By Gina (Bentonville, AR) on 08/16/2014

Can someone please give me more information about ordering this cream? I recently found a spot on the tip of my nose and do not want to have it cut in to. Hoping to try this cream instead if many have seen positive results. Thank you.

Replied By Greg (Denver, CO) on 12/13/2014

I used black salve on a Basal Cell Carcinoma I had had for years. It certainly worked, it ate into the cancer and down deep. Took about 2 weeks for the scab to form/come off. Problem is, it left me scared. I have a large white depressed patch on my face where the cancer was. In all honesty I shouldn't have done it in such a prominent place on my face. It does work, but be prepared for scarring.
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Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 12/14/2014

HI U GREG, , , , , , , , warned of this in the past but got put down. Black salve certainly works except it can eat a hole as you say. Myself, I have used the egg plant cream, Curaderm, twice with success and once where the cream indicated that it was not a cancer after all.

That is the beauty of Curaderm. If the spot is not a cancer, then it does not turn hard and black. You just stop using.



Replied By Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/14/2014

Greg, read up about vitamin E for scarring.

Replied By Jacque10 (Georgia, US) on 12/14/2014

I have had 2 battles with Basal Cell. Hydrogen peroxcide 35% mixed with DMSO works. I follow that up with baking soda paste, and then rub area with lemons followed by coconut oil to preserve area.

First time I used diluted hydrogen peroxcide 35% followed by baking soda paste, lemons and coconut oil. Had success both times.


Replied By Michelle Tyndale (Yardley, Pa) on 03/22/2015

I am using the homemade version of the BEC 5 cream as mentioned above. I've been at this for about three weeks. I have basal cell cancer on my nose and my dermatologist recommended MOHS surgery. I am only 42 years young and just want to try something natural before getting my face cut. I've been documenting this process and if it's successful, I will post pictures to follow.

The recipe is hard to find online but it's basically one medium size eggplant and organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. You pulverize the eggplant and mix it together with the apple cider vinegar. You want it to be a thick consistency if possible just so that it stays on better. Prior to using this, I tried Dr. Christophers black salve. That was working, just really slow going. Thanks for your posts, especially the ones on plain apple cider vinegar. It helps if you have a community to reach out to!

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Replied By Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 04/05/2015

Hi to all. It's wonderful to read about your success. I have been treating a place on the tip of my nose with apple cider vinegar ( neat) during the day, and also coconut oil mixed in a paste with bicarb of soda, for when I am indoors and at night. Only yesterday it was looking nice and dry with a little scab, but this morning it had bled and the scab was much darker, I think because it bleeding, so I don't know if I knocked it during the night, or if its part of the healing process. Now it has bled, is it ok to continue or should I leave one or other off for a few days, your help will be very much appreciated. Thank you so much

Replied By Nanoagain (Hotspot, Texas) on 04/05/2015

JustChillin, I would keep applying and not give it a chance to close up.

Another good thing to use on the bcc is vitamin C powder. Adding vit E and green tea extract works well with the vitamin C.

You should see some black dots and serous fluid when the mixtures are working and be able to remove bits of tissue little by little.


Replied By Patti (Florida, US) on 04/11/2015

Hello, I started using apple cider vinagar 4 weeks ago on 3 spots on my legs. They are sooooo very painful, they sting all day long, I am also very tired. They have changed in size and the top is now turning white. How long before the pain and stinging stop and they start to heal? 

I have bruises on my legs from the bandages!

Thank you, I was hoping they would be healed by now!

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Replied By Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 04/12/2015

Patti from Florida --I would use the mid stream of my urine, soak a cloth and cover the infected parts for a while. Yours will heal fast. No smell.

Namaste, Om

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Replied By Just Chillin (Vannes, France) on 04/16/2015

Thanks so much for your reply, Nanoagain. I will see if I can buy some vitamin c from the chemist. The scab seems to fall of and the process starts again, but each time the original place seems to be reduced. I tend to put the past of bicarb and coconut oil on in the evening, and for the night time, and then the apple cider vinegar during the day. When should I use the vitamin c and how much. When you say remove bits of the tissue, do you mean pick it off.... sounds yuk, but will do whatever it takes. Could I use coconut oil with the vitamin c, or pehaps aloe vera ? thank you so much. I have a wedding to go to in about 6 weeks, I hope it is gone by then xx

Replied By Nanoagain (Hotspot, Texas) on 04/17/2015

Just Chilling, you're quite welcome. I bought vitamin c powder on Amazon. Make a paste with the vitamin c and a vitamin e capsule. Smear it on the lesion and leave it. In the morning, soak a washcloth in hot water and use it to soften the lesion, which will pull off the dead tissue. Reapply paste.

Green tea extract added to the paste is very good as well, but adds a dark color to the paste over time. The vitamin c and e paste is fairly discrete when out in public.

The sodium bicarbonate I found to be very effective and the aloe Vera as well. I juiced the whole leaf and applied it to my face overnight.

Good luck with your treatment!


Replied By Clk (Texas) on 04/29/2015

Hello all, I have been getting BCC cut out for years, I'm going to try the ACV but my question is my whole front of leg is covered with bcc so can I use the ASV in large spots? Thank you.

Replied By Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/30/2015

Clk, are those areas exposed to sun?

Replied By Sheila (Ohio) on 09/14/2015

I looked up Curadurm and found it in a couple of places at $144.00 then I saw in a google list where there is a Curadurm scam.

I'm trying the peroxide/ACV/Sunspot ES gel that I have. This is my first day and the scab looks a little less angry. We'll see. I have a doctor appt. in October so I am going to try this for awhile then let her look at it if it isn't better by then.

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Replied By Robert Henry (St George Island, Fla.) on 09/15/2015

HI U SHEILA, , , , , , , , , , , you want some one to do your work for you and that causes me consternation. I keep telling posters to read until they get tired and then read some more. That is what you need to do and here is what you need to read.

This is the guy who learned what the ingredient is in eggplant that cures your skin cancer. I know because he has cured two of mine. Buy this book, read it and cure yourself.

Put forth a little effort and the bright folks here will help you.


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Replied By Lynnie (Devon Uk) on 10/31/2015

How long did you use the Apple Cider Vinegar for & how did you know when to stop that & same question for HP ( how did you know when to start? You said there was a couple of weeks with no applications? I've been using ACV for two weeks on a BCC a centimetre & half in length. For the first time in months the scab didn't fall off after ( the usual) 3 days. Not sure if I should keep using it or give it a break & see what happens. I can see the bumps are still raised under the edges of the scab?

Replied By Amito (Ponte Tresa, Switzerland) on 01/10/2016

Dear Cathy, I reply to a letter of yours of 5.28.2012. I also seem to have since several years a basiloma on my nose. I read what you say about an australian cream based on glycoalkaloids. Could you tell me more about that cream? What is its name and who is producing it, so I can do a little research and maybe find it here in Europe? Thank you very much. Amito

Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 01/10/2016

HI U AMITO, , , , , , , , , , , , , watch this video and research other sites that use Curaderm.

This will not cure Melanoma. You can buy this egg plant cream on the internet.



Replied By Barbara (Us) on 09/14/2016

Would like your opinion. I have a BCC on my forehead & do not want to go the allopathic way!! I read the book you mention above & ordered Curaderm. I used it faithfully for 1 year & 1/2.... It started looking like it was healing the first few weeks I used it but then it began getting a little worse...I continued using and after 18 months or so I moved on to other treatments...ACV, other creams, now trying baking soda. It is now the size of a quarter (US coin). Do you think I should try Curaderm again? Thanks for listening.

Replied By Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/15/2016

Barbara, it's grown way too big for you to handle alone IMHO.

Either let them cut, or go to a reputable naturopath who has experience wih BCCs.

You might ask the naturopath about petty spurge (which hurts and gets worse at first) and chaga, but again, sounds too scary to go it alone at this point.

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Replied By Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 09/15/2016

HI U BARBARA,,,,,,,, have gone down both trails and suggest you find a good dermatologist and get this taken care of. I too try to use natural methods, but your cancer may not be basal cell. Curaderm will not work on Melanoma.

Curaderm works within weeks, and you need to stop playing games with this problem.
