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Tavora (Brooklyn, NY) on 03/29/2009

OP might help with inner ear infection and imbalance problems

I have a question on oil pulling. I have been suffering from an inner ear infection (or at least that's what I was told) for about 7 months now. I think I've tried everything! Tried the meds the docs/ENTs gave me but they didn't work - my condition is now beyond the acute phase and is chronic. I have two major symptoms: a rocking/imbalanced sensation....and a tightness and suffocated pain in my right ear (the affected ear). I have other mild to moderate symptoms - like tingling and nerve pain but I generally try to ignore them. I had many tests done and all came back normal. However, my upper cervical and lower back are slightly misaligned so this may be causing some compression in terms of healthy nerve flow. I don't feel at a loss - thank God for maintaining faith and hope - but I would like to restore my balance and eliminate the pain in the ear. I feel like the ear is not getting enough blood flow and because the ear houses the balance organs in the body - I surmise this is why I am still dealing with the imbalanced sensation (ie. not enough nutrients and oxygen getting into the area). I've recently seen a nutritionist/ND who is helping me fix my diet and treat other issues but I wanted to know if anyone has experienced a similar issue to mine and saw good results with oil pulling. I actually tried it today for 10 mins w/ coconut oil and it did decrease the pain in the ear - in addition to helping my sinuses drain out (this part really amazed me!) - also important to note - the ND told me he believes the infection may have stemmed from some blockage in my sinuses and that by clearing out this area, I would be in a better position to attack the virus. Well, I did want to say that after immediately doing the OP - and coughing up whatever mucus that came out - I walked around for a bit and did notice that my balance felt a bit more stabilized. Just an observation but definitely worth taking note of. Your thoughts are appreciated. :0)

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Replied By Jeanette (Rush, Ny) on 10/26/2010

I am an aromatherapist, and if you were having just a regular earache I would recommend using a few drops of undiluted tea tree essential oil in each ear and the apply a warm watter compress to each ear. But this sounds more serious so I would bring our the big guns, and this means being very respectful of the power of this essential oil. The essential oil I am referring to is Clove oil. It contains a chemical composition called eugenol and this is a powerful anti-bacterial agent, as well as an analgesic (pain killer). Put a few drops of the clove or clove bud oil on a Q-tip and insert into the ear as far as it will comfortably go, do not get any oil on your hands or near your eyes, if you do get it on your hands avoid touching any mucous membranes and wash your hands repeatedly. This application is also good for toothaches and on cystic acne. When the ear is feeling better, or even when using the eugenol you can do the OP. I sincerely hope this information will help you. Personally if I were deserted on an island I would have to have the BIG THREE essential oils Lavender, Tee Tree, and Clove Oil
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Replied By Lynn (Raliegh, Nc) on 01/26/2011

For several years I had tinnitus in my right ear. My ear felt clogged up and I took remedies for the tinnitus. Then early in 2009, I began to have balance problems and head rushes upon rising. I finally had an MRI and it revealed a brain tumor (acoustic neuroma) the size of a golf ball, pushing my brain step to one side. It was removed with some residual effects a year and a half later, but nerves take the longest to heal in the body. I should have listened to my body sooner and gotten an MRI when the docs told me to several years ago. I know my body b/c I do everything nutrtionally sound for it and for over 25 years. I ignored the strange sensation on my tongue from the tumor sitting on the 7th cranial nerve. Bottomline, if you don't feel right about something that is happening in your body, you are probably right. Be proactive.

Recently I did sesame oil swishing. I didn't rinse my mouth out completely after each swish. I was told to let it sit in my mouth after spitting. Bad advice and I should have read more info on it. Long story short, I got sick. I was miserable for several days. I will start it again but this time I will do it correctly.


Replied By Mahesh (San Ramon, Ca) on 04/08/2011

I had some what similar conditions. Try Gerson therapy and start drinking three glass of raw organic milk. This should help. For me, it has improved a lot.