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Cathy (Pittsburgh, PA) on 01/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

The H20 Peroxide rinse cleared my sinuses! I can't believe it! Hang your head back, let it drip in..IT BURNS!!!!!! But it is well worth it, believe me! You blow your nose like crazy, sneeze like crazy, then you can breathe, and pressure and pain is SO much better! Thank you so much for this website!!!!!
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Replied By Kellie (Frisco, Tx) on 02/14/2010

I've had horrible sinus infections for the past two years, since moving to TX. I've been all all sorts of prescription drugs. But I started to have heart palpitations from the steroids in the nose sprays and all the allergy med's. I didn't want to go on permanent antibiotics! Whenever I take antibiotics they only work for a few weeks, then the infection is back. This Jan I had a horrible infection and found the Earth Clinic site. I am very excited to say I'm 99% better! I've been using the Hydrogen Peroxide/Salt/Baking Soda recipe, plus Apple Cider Vinegar, plus Oregano Oil, plus NAC, daily for 20 days, and supplements. I'm so happy with the results! Here's my recipe:

50 ml (aprox 1 teaspoon) warm water
pinch baking soda
pinch salt
2-5ml of hydrogen peroxide
I multiply by 5 and mix it all in a cup. I got a syringe from the pharmacy. It is the type that you attach a needle to (no needle of course). They give them away for dosing children's medicine.

I lean over my sink and put my forehead on the back of the sink, then shoot it up one nostril. I blow my nose and repeat with the other side. If it burns too much, decrease the peroxide.

I did this as often as needed, but no less than 3x a day. I was getting all colors from my nose, including blood. My infections are very severe.

I also take 2TB Unfiltered Unpasteurized Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, mixed with water before meals and before bed. Remember to rinse your mouth well with plain water!! (This cures all sorts of issues, and I use it mainly for curing my allergies)

I take 4 drops of Wild Oregano Oil under my tongue and then rinse with water 3x's a day. (it is an antibiotic)

I also take NAC (600mg) with 1500mg of Vit C 2 times a day, and Primal Defense 1x day. Both are to help boost my immune system and fix my system after so much antibiotics.

Nothing happened for 5 days, then there was a bit of improvement. Now I'm at 20 days, and I no longer get any color from my nose. I still have my allergies, but they go away as soon as I take the vinegar. I plan to start sipping the vinegar all day, rather than chugging it 3x's a day.

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Replied By Kellie (Frisco, Tx, Usa) on 03/10/2010

I wanted to give an update. I am now totally sinus infection free! As of 10 days ago I have not had any sign of an infection. I'm working to use less of each of the remedies, but so far, I find I do take everything in the morning with 2 more doses of vinegar throughout the day. I've also found that instead of 2TB ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) 3x's a day, if I mix 3TB in a large glass and sip it all day long I get much better results. I feel great! If I skip a day of ACV, I do notice I start to sniffle and my nose runs a bit. I think the ACV is a great solution and I'll keep using it! Thanks to everyone for the great advice!
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Replied By Cheryl (Lynnwood, Wa) on 05/18/2010

I tried this and it worked great. I had a sinus infection for 4 weeks and even was taking antibiotics. Then I saw this post, I have done it twice in one day and feel great! Thanks!
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Replied By Ben (Los Angeles, California) on 08/02/2010

All you need is:
It took three days doing this 2-3 times daily to get rid of the sinus infection. I mixed the following in 1 cup of water microwaved at 30 sec (use reverse Osmosis or purified water or boil the water), if boiling the water you must let the water cool to touch. I use RO water and microwave for 30 seconds:

2ml Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 tsp kosher sea salt
1/2 tsp of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Mix well, use low pressure sinus rinse bottle. Start with the nasal passage that you feel has the most sinus pressure (empty 1/3 of the bottle into this passage) then use the rest of the fluid to flush the other nasal passage.

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Replied By Xlntmommy (Palm Beach County, Fl, Usa) on 08/21/2011

I see people writing about a sinus infection "for 6 months" or "the past year".. Whereas I hav had sinus pressure/problems for over ~20~ years. I tried the antibiotics that dry out the nasal passages, I hav been prescribed the daily "allergy" pill(s), I regularly put a cold soda/can from the fridge each morning to alleviate the swelling and headache I hav for several hours after I wake up.. I even drink copius amounts of (any) drink filled to the top with ice as the coldness would also help my constantly-swollen throat, because of the drip-that-never-ends. It has been years and years and I hav even had procedures done, and noticed a gradual improvement (which took months to notice) but was minimal and didn't last. I had resigned myself to just having to put up with this, until I happened upon this site.

I didn't try the ACV remedy. I tried the H202, baking soda and salt irrigation. I lighten my hair sometimes so used a smaller, pointy-tipped bottle from that. I also did not mix the h202 in a 50/50 ration, but instead used:

one cap-ful of h202

2 pinches of baking soda

1 pinch salt

in about 4-6 oz. of warm tap water. I hav a worse hedache after doing this, hence I only hav done it once/day, in the AM. I get no "flooding" but do hav a drip still at the back of my throat, but it is different now, and the biggest thing is that I can breathe! For the first time in decades I can inhale and exhale almost completely, through my nose. I hav only done this "irrigation" for about 4 days now, but again, I notice more of difference than ANY of the things I hav tried for over 2 decades. The H202 "burns" a little, and I don't get "blood". My right nostril was clear after the second day, and I am continuing until my left nostril (the worst one) is clear. I plan on doing this in intervals whenever I feel a "flare up". I am sure this is the answer for my problem and I am SO GRATEFUL for this site.

~MOMMY, Palm Beach County, FLORIDA

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Replied By Cat (Elko, Nevada) on 02/20/2012

A little burn is hardly the phrase I would use to describe the insane burning and pain when you use the baking soda, H202 and salt! So be prepared, with that said, I used it a few minutes ago and after a hot bath to soothe the pain in my head and facial cavities, I am breathing much better. Maybe no pain, no gain applies here.
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Replied By Ralph (Cleveland, Oh) on 12/25/2015

Make sure you boil the tap water. It has bacteria in it and can be dangerous since the nasal cavity is so close to the brain.
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Replied By Susan (California) on 12/27/2015

Don't use tap water, boiled or otherwise, up your nose. Only use distilled water.
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Replied By Sinusinfector6 (35806) on 06/14/2017

The post is part metric. For those wondering, 2ml is about 0.4 tsp.