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Mike (Newton, NJ) on 10/25/2006
5 out of 5 stars

After suffering for three days with my twice/yr sinus infection and not getting any sleep, I wandered into the computer room @ 2am and did a search for a homemade remedy. I grew up visiting a grandmother who NEVER had a medicine in her house. It was always a 'concoction' that usually tasted horrible, but worked like a charm (ie. fresh cracked pepper in a shot of brandy before bedtime when you had a head cold. Tell that one to child services, but it put you out and you woke up without any symptoms! 100% better than Nyquil) Anyhow.....since it was so early in the morning and I couldn't find a eye dropper without waking the rest of the clan, I improvised with placing 3 TBS of peroxide, 3 TBS of salt in a bowl (don't use stainless steel, trust me!) and added boiling water. With a towel over my head for 15 minute, it work wonders, enough to let me go to sleep....until 6am, when WHAM! I awoke to the cool rush of air that hit my now clear sinuses!!!! I actually felt the pop and the rush it was so intense. I will never suffer through a sinus infection, that usually went into my chest for a few weeks, again!

God bless everyone who posts these remedies and I look forward to seeing if my recent BP reading of 150/102 will decrease with a little apple cider vinegar! Can't go wrong with Mother Nature.

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Replied By Healthier (West Coast, Usa) on 07/16/2010

Sandra, many of us hope you are much better now. We found EC surfing cures for hubby's many yrs sinus infection/GERD, he has GREAT relief in neti pot-even on tired days just using warm water. His bad reaction phobics are from years of aggressive flu-rx's, longterm braces/oral metalwork, 18 months accutane during puberty, 14 yrs air travel blended in-flight air, working on computers in dusty, musty bldg closets, working behind dirty wall/floor/ceiling panels. Sounds like surgery needles and meds introduced many metals into you (immunities diminished). Cleansing before building up is best. As stated at page top, doctors say no cure known. These posts attest otherwise. Prayers.
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Replied By Skip (Vancouver, Wa Usa) on 07/13/2012

I read these remedies and was excited to try to Purified water, hydro peroxide, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, baking soda which I used through my neti bot. It was a terrible experience. My jaw hurt so bad I could not close it, could not talk, I was in terrible pain, It took me to the floor. I called the dentist trying to talk with mouth open he said it was the sinus infection. I had sinus surgery for deviated septum years ago and this has helped a lot to lessen these infections and migraines, but this one's lasted a month, finally tried Sudafed and that's helping. Maybe my infection was just so bad it placed me in undue torture. I am scared to try this remedy again. Skip from Vancouver WA. 7-13-2012