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Joan (Kingston, Jamaica) on 03/19/2009

Coconut oil OP: I read your site about OP and the use of CO to help with sinus relief. However, my sinuses are so badly infected that I cannot breathe through my nose and therefore have to breathe through my mouth. Tonight I decided to try OP with CO but could not even sustain it for 1 minute because I was suffocating. What do I need to do to be able to accomplish the procedure? Please advise. Await your response. Thanks.

Replied By Angie (Newark, DE) on 03/21/2009

Try using a netti pot to clear your sinuses before you proceed with the oil pulling. You may have to fill the pot 2-3 times for each nostril if you are badly plugged up. I used to suffer from severe sinus infections until I started using a netti pot.

Replied By Joe (Evansville, IN, USA) on 03/29/2009

I have just now tried the OP. I to have very bad sinus, I am using olive oil as I I have it on hand its virgin oil. I could not do it for even 2 minutes as my sinuses was draining so much in the back of my throat and the nose. I had drainage for a good 10 minutes as I stood over the sink. I cough and spit and knew to hold my head over the sink and just let it flow out and cough it out. I have spent many hours over a sink coughing, but this drainage was a clearing process.

At the first I had globs of yellow then green stuff, then clear.

Today when I did the OP I had a lot less drainage, and I noticed I could already breathe some more deeply I was able to do it for about 4min.

With sinus problems I would not do OP in the Evening or before bed, the sinus needs time to drain. I can see problem with drainage getting into inner ear at night, plus drainage back of throat into the lungs. I have the Netti pot and other nasal rinse, these will not stop the flow of drainage for me, I use it after I quit draining so much after OP to rinse the sinus some.

I have suffered much these past few years with allergy and sinus, with little help from Doctors, they tell me they can not help me, that I have allergy to everything...

The sinus pain has been so bad the past 2 years, that I Have tried several things, the latest thing I was trying for sinus pain in my face, nose. Was to use Epson Salt soak, this is not a lie, the pain was stronger than pain meds. I was getting my meds at Pharmacy and I happen to see the Epson Salt and I thought Hey that is good for pain in foot, I might try and soak my face.

Well I worked out a way, I put 1 cup of Epson in Plastic container and fill almost full with warm water and add a couple drops of liquid soap to make the water wetter so it will soak me better. I purchased a small plastic Snorkel and use it when I put my face in the Epson water to soak my sinus. I do this for about 10 minutes and raise up my head out of the soak maybe 2 or 3 times, my first soak was maybe 2 or 3 minutes.

If I want to slow down or try and stop my sinus from draining I splash cold or cool water on my face for awhile, cool water kinda seals the sinus some, where warm water for me seems to increase the drainage, But with OP I want the drainage as I feel my sinus opening up some..

I will watch and see your outcome with coconut oil as I have many friends in the Philippines and Coconut Oil is abundance there.

REPLY   1      

Replied By Jim (Watertown, South Dakota) on 04/17/2009

I have also suffered with Sinus issues until I cut out all dairy and then started using a very specific concentration of the top 7 natural antiviral/antifungal/antibacterial's in concentrated liquid form (Garlic, Giner, Habanero, Onion, Olive Leaf, Horseradish, Zinc, GSE, Wild Mountain oil of oregano etc. in a base of ACV. You can buy this premade in a wonderful product that I use on my whole family - even the littles - and it works AMAZING for sinus & flu issues. I often go from full clog to breathing free in less than 1hr. It's just unreal. I laughed uncontrollably the first couple times I used because I never would have believed a natural cure would work so well and so quickly.

Not wanting to violate policies of the webposting, if you e'mail me, I'll gladly send you a web link of the site that sells this wonderful, 100% natural antiviral mix in 2oz bottles. I'm not connected in any way other than just being a loyal and extremely jubilant customer.

You just put anywhere from 2-3 dropper fulls in about 2oz of water (I use 5 for my 200 pound self when in a full sinus situation) Then chase that down with another 4-8oz of water. It is VERY concentrated. You will immediately smell the 50 cloves of concentrated garlic in this little 2 oz bottle the minute you put your first dropper full in. It works faster and longer than any of the alternative methods I've found for sinus relief. It's equally great when I travel in high speed germ tubes (aka airplanes full of sick people).


Replied By Marisa (Orchard Park, New York) on 10/13/2009

Hi Jim, I would love to know the product you are using for sinus issue, it sounds very effective. I use a netti pot with some success, but I still have post nasal drip that I would like to be done with. Mahalo, Marisa

Replied By Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 10/13/2009

Jim, I would love to know the name of this product as well.

Replied By Veronica (Woodbridge, Va) on 10/22/2009

Jim, what's your email address? I would definitely like to know and find that product you're using.

Replied By Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 10/23/2009

I wrote to Jim last night asking if it was okay to display his email address on the site, forgetting that he had opted to display it when he submitted his response in April. Since we removed all email addresses from the site a few days ago, it was no longer visible. At any rate, here is his response along with the product name that people are so interested in obtaining.


Sure it is OK, but I'd just as soon be able to just tell them on the page that it is VIRAGON and can be purchased at

I've already responded to over 200 people personally since my posting.

It is great to be able to share effective, safe, natural cures. I just wish it were easier but don't want to disrepect earthclinic's policies.



Replied By Angela (Kingston, Jamaica) on 11/11/2009

I found out that I am hiv. However, my problem is that I have been doing oil pulling for a number of months and I have seen results in terms of the mucus elimination, but I am also losing not just weight but body fat. I have lost sub-10lbs in weight but the visible result is that I have lost three times that amount. I realise that my skin has become flabby and the fatty tissues have disappeared. What can I do to regain the fat lost? Anxiously awaiting your response.

Replied By Anon (Brazil) on 11/11/2009

Hi Angela, Are you taking any prescribed HIV medicines? That is, combination therapy for HIV?

Replied By Tom (Manhattan, New York) on 11/14/2009

This is from Dr. Ray Sahelian's site.. some natural supplements to help with HIV infection (I often cross reference his info. with Dr. Weil):

Antioxidant -- There is evidence suggesting that patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are under chronic oxidative stress. People infected with HIV may benefit from antioxidant vitamins.

Green Tea -- Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), one of the components of green tea has been suggested to have antiviral activity. To determine the effects of EGCG on HIV infection, peripheral blood lymphocytes infected with HIV were incubated with increasing concentrations of EGCG. EGCG strongly inhibited the replication of the HIV virus.

Glutamine, the amino acid, could be helpful for those on anti-HIV medicines. Glutamine-antioxidant nutrient supplementation can increase body weight, body cell mass, and intracellular water when compared with placebo in HIV patients.

Hyssop has antiviral activity against herpes simplex and HIV-1.
Licorice may be helpful.
Olive Leaf has anti-HIV activity
Rooibos tea has anti-HIV activity.
Ginseng -- CD4 T cell counts in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected patients are maintained or even increased when treated with Korean red ginseng. High doses of ginseng can be overly stimulating and cause insomnia.
Catuaba, an Amazonian plant, has anti-HIV activity.
Bovine Colostrum may reduce the severity of diarrhea in HIV patients.
Marigold herb
Fish Oils - Fish oil (omega-3 fatty acid) diet supplements appear to be an effective way to lower high triglyceride levels that are associated with antiretroviral therapy in HIV patients. HIV therapies and HIV itself can cause concerning increased in triglycerides, which may place the individual at risk for cardiovascular disease. Fish oil has been found in people without HIV infection to reduce triglycerides and also to prevent cardiovascular disease. It's probably best not to exceed 3 capsules a day.

Zinc for children with HIV


Replied By Jeremy (Toronto, Ontario) on 02/07/2012

I don't know about oil pulling but I have read alot about people using cannabis oil to cure a number of different diseases even a guy who applied cannabis oil on a band aid and put it on his skin cancer on his nose and within days the skin cancer was gone. His name's Rick Simpson- google run from the cure to see his story. I am a medical cannabis user and while I don't have HIV, I know personally a number of people that have used cannabis indica to help with aids wasting syndrome regaining much of the lost weight and also cutting down on the number of medications they had to take. If I were you I would really look into what cannabis could do for your condition.