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Peggy McAllister (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) on 03/16/2009
5 out of 5 stars

ALOE VERA JUICE FOR gastric upset:

My cat was diagnosed last year with chronic renal failure. And one of the most challenging issues has been his vomiting. I have been giving him fluids on a regular basis, but because renal failure affects the acid in his gut, he would go through some periods of serious projectile vomiting. His gut would be gurgling all the time, and for months, I tried using Famotidine from the vet with little success. Then I tried George's Aloe Vera juice (it has no preservatives like benzoic acid which is poisonous to cats)...and this cat who was throwing up at least once a day has not vomited in three weeks! I give him 2-3 ml in the morning and the same dose at night. Of all the Aloe Vera's. George's seems to be the taste (tastes to me like water), and you don't have to refrigerate it. Available at Whole Foods and probably other natural food staores as well.

This cat's health was going downhill fast, and since the vomiting has turned around, he's gaining weight again and seems MUCH happier (who wouldn't?)

I believe this would have greatly helped my other cat who had hyperthyroid and would vomit whenever her stomach was empty.

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Replied By Jodi (Bloomingburg, Ny, Usa) on 10/23/2011


My cat diagnoised CRF problably 4 yrs ago. She has been on a prescript diet since and doing fairly well. Recently she started getting upset stomaches daily. Shes on a pepcid med. Morning and night and a medication for her upset stomach. Recently I decided (due to this post) that I would add 3 ml. aloe vera juice to 1/2 cup of water. As well as, quarter teaspoon of slippery elm bark on her can food. It seemed to help a little in the first couple of day's. By day 4 and 5 it seemed to help a great deal. It not only stopped the lip smacking and upset ness and throwing up but now a week later she is laying more comfortable. No longer is she a loaf of bread or "meat loaf" position. Her legs our stretched out. She hasn't thrown up in a week. I hope this helps others out there. This site certainly helped me. Thank you.

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Replied By Carolyn (Evergreen, Co) on 07/18/2012

I see the doses for Aloe for cats and small dogs being about 2-3ml 2x/day. Anyone have sources or doses for medium (50lb), large (75lb) and XL (100lb) dogs? Thanks!
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Replied By Lanetteh (Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 03/13/2013

Hi, I wanted to thank everyone for their posts about aloe vera juice for cats with CRF. After my 10 year old cat Joey was larthargic and not eating or drinking for 2 days (including throwing up and drooling a lot), I took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with late stage CRF. They said his levels were 10 times higher than normal. They also gave me meds for stomach upset, which didn't work and called the next day to tell me I should put him down. Well, I couldn't do that without first giving him a chance. On Monday, I ordered Kidney Support [supplements] after reading over 200 very positive reviews about it (it will arrive today). In the interim, I bought aloe vera juice and started giving it to him yesterday morning. I am so happy to report that he has not vomited once and has stopped drooling since I started giving it to him!!! He has even started drinking water on his own again. He is also laying more comfortably (intead of in the weird position others have mentioned). I can tell his stomach is feeling much better. I'll post again after I've tried the supplement I ordered to let you know how it works. Thanks again, I love this site!!!
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Replied By Kriya (Vancouver, Bc) on 08/28/2016

My little India (kitty of just 4 yrs old) has been diagnosed with CKD and has a creatine level of 270. It just jumped up from a stable 206. India is always hungry, is a good weight (they say could loose some! ), is active, playful, happy (always kneading and purring), and uses the littler box perfectly. The only sign of his CKD is that he pees a lot in large volumes. (urine concentrates at .014). I'm starting to give him the Inner Leaf Aloe Vera...but I'm not sure how much to give. It's seems like 2-3 ml 2x per day is good for serious cases...(from reading your stories). Can I give him this same amount in hopes to reduce his creatine levels and to prevent things from worsening? or could this possibly hurt him?

Also I want to give ACV. I'm following Peggy's advice of 3 tbsp in 1 litre of water...but then how much of that do I give him per day? How many mls? and how often? He also has pumpkin, Alaskan salmon oil, coconut oil, 1 1/2-2 cups of water (lots of soups! ), good raw food (I side with the higher protein), chineese herbs for inflammation, and will be adding dandilien leaves, some kind of formulation. The vet has suggested Renal Essentials...but I'm not big on the absorption of tablets. Are there any formulations (ultra clean) that are known to reduce creatine levels?

Thank you! My little man is only 4...and I hope to stay ahead of this...he is SO beautiful!