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Chloe (Seattle, WA, USA) on 01/05/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Turmeric Remedy for Cysts. Mid December 08, my 7-year old Golden Retriever was limping and her left paw was in pain. I could feel a hard lump next to one of the pads. Took her to the vet. They aspirated it and sent it to lab. (cost $180). Advised me that it was a sebaceous cyst and would have to be removed to the tune of $600 (that's including the discount of vet ins.) They said it WOULD NOT go away and it WOULD NOT burst. It would have to be cut off. It was "hard" now as it was old and not filled with fluid. I was desperate to find a natural cure, as I didn't want to spend $600!!. I've been on this website before (LOVE IT!!) and stumbled upon Lisa from Ohio's turmeric remedy. I started in immediately and now, 2 weeks later, the cyst is HALF its former size and is not painful at all. It was rock-hard before and now feels more normal. 2 weeks ago I couldn't even touch it! THIS REMEDY IS A MIRACLE. Sadie also has a soft cyst the size of a nickle on her chest and that has gotten smaller as well! I just used regular turmeric from the grocery store. 1 teaspoon per day. I have done extensive research on turmeric and have found it to be a miracle herb. I am now taking it myself 2x per day in tablet form. THANK-YOU EARTH CLINIC!!!!!! xoxo Chloe
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Replied By Chloe (Seattle, WA, USA) on 02/03/2009

Just wanted to update everyone. The sebaceous cyst on Sadie's (Golden Retriever) foot is COMPLETELY gone! Turmeric saved the day!! Also, the cyst on her side has gone down considerably, but is not completely gone yet. 1 teaspoon per day in her food. I add a little olive oil and she loves it! xoxo Chloe
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Replied By Christine (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/18/2010

Am so happy to read of such success with cysts, both sebaceous and fat. I have a 17 1/2 yr old female daschund, who has had a fat lump on her upper chest and has developed a sebaceous cyst just below, which, due to Cleo's biting it, is not healing but contiuously bleeding. I wash it and cover it with a bandaid which protects it and ceases the secretion. I have today started with 1/8 tsp of tunrmeric mixed with almond butter. I shall advise of the progress.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for this invaluable information!

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Replied By Christine (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/22/2010

Cleo's sebaceous cyst had begun to dry up on Feb 1st. That would by the 2nd week of introducing her to turmeric. A scab developed and had fallen off at least 4 times. Today the cyst is practically even with her tummy skin. I am amazed and so thankful for this method of treatment. I now watch for a reduction in her fat lump, which fills my palm as I cover my hand over it. I believe that results are not as quick because of her age and so, I am patient. She has added vigor and energy, certainly because of the turmeric added to her food. I too add extra virgin olive oil to the turmeric, which I am currently giving her 1/4 tsp twice daily and will continue to do so. THANK YOU for and to all of the members' reviews!