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Becky (Reno, Nevada U.S.A.) on 03/08/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have a litter of Yorkies.They are 4 weeks old.Somehow they got lice.I searched for a week to find something that was safe to use on them.I found your web site it said to use GSE grapefruit seed extract. I put 8 drops in 3 ounces of mild shampoo. Then I soaped them up and wrapped them in a towel making sure they stayed warm. After 5 minutes I rinsed them in warm water and watched the lice go down the drain. After they were dry. I combed the puppies to get the rest of the dead ones off of them. From what I have read I learned nothing kills the eggs. So I will repeat the bath every 6 or 7 days untill I am sure there are no eggs left. What a wonderful web site this is. I was amazed at the results of the GSE. Thank You Thank You Thank You
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Replied By Maggie (Topeka, Ks) on 05/15/2010

Vinegar will disolve the glue that hold the eggs to your dog's (and people's) hair. I just put a small amount of vinigar in a cup and use a flea comb to comb it through the hair. Sometimes I will still see an egg and can pull it off by running the strand of hair through my finger nails. It is very effective.
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Replied By Sarah (Dallas, Tx) on 08/26/2011

We had great success using GSE (grapefruit seed extract) for the tapeworms in our cats. One day, my teenage son told me he just put a few drops in the cats' water, and they didn't seem to be able to taste it, and the tapeworm segments stopped coming out of their butts. However, if we stopped putting the GSE in their water, the tapeworms came back--I don't know whether they were getting reinfected by eating new fleas, or if the GSE just kept the tapeworms dormant. Unfortunately, I have a new cat, a short-haired tabby (the others were Maine Coons) that CAN taste the GSE, and she won't drink water that has even a drop. So, I am now looking for a new cure. I'm going to try the tobacco. But if your cat (I don't know if it's safe for dogs--I don't have a dog) will drink GSE, it works great to get rid of tapeworms.