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Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 03/04/2009

I was surprised to read in an old booklet originally published in 1948 and last printed in 1983 that one should brush their teeth with a solution of one tsp apple cider vinegar added to a glass of water. It also said to gargle with it morning and night. The benefits are to prevent decay, remove tarter and whiten teeth. It did not mention anything about the effects of the acid on teeth. Any comments?

Replied By Barry (Jacksonville, Fl) on 03/06/2009

You will soon be able to recognize the effects because your gums will began to bleed. I once used vinegar in a waterpik and the dentist fortunately caught my mistake before I irreparably damaged my teeth.
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Replied By Kristen (Hollywood, California ) on 01/14/2011

Organic apple cider vinegar turn to an alkaline in your body. It puts you ph back into balance. I drink it every morning. It keeps my ph on the alkaline side and a virus cannot live in tat environment. Regular vinegar, not a good idea. Also white vinegar is a coal tar by product.

Replied By Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 11/28/2013

Yep, ACV is harming my teeth :-(

I started using ACV for other health complaints. Worked brilliantly for my prostate issues! Sadly it is certainly bad for my teeth. My teeth become sensitive after using ACV, and I have noticed cavities forming. Be careful!!

I still need the ACV as it is the best remedy for my prostate issues out there. Right now I am using a straw, but that only really saves the front teeth as the wisdom teeth and molars still get attacked by the acidity. I have to do more testing but I don't think the ACV helps my prostate when mixed with Bicarb to reduce acidity (although I found it could act as a laxative, in this case that would be due to osmotic pressure I think)

I'm wondering what else I can do ..
Making ACV gel capsules would be ideal but beyond my capabilities.
Rinse with bicarb before and after?
Take calcium supplements

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Replied By Timh (Ky, Usa) on 11/29/2013

Zark: You can buy ACV in tablet form at many health food stores. My standard prevention for prostate problems is 50-100mg zinc daily plus 3mg copper for balance. Occasional or during flare-up take a few capsules of Stinging Nettles. Occasional Cranberry or D Mannose kills the bad bacteria in the urinary tract, which if untreated infects & inflames the prostate.

Replied By Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/29/2013

Hello Timh

Very good observation on urinary track infection as inflammatory to prostate. In fact, I think often the prostate itself suffers from a low grade infection. One urologist I read about gave his patients a few tablespoons of colloidal silver daily and in a month all 30 had improved conditions (varying problems) from flow to urgency issues. His conclusion was that a low grade infection was at work.

Moral of the story: Never overlook the possibility of infection re medical issues.