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Cindy (Monroe, WI) on 03/03/2009
0 out of 5 stars

I have been reading all these testimonies and I just don't have the same experiences as you guys. I didn't have a problem with constipation before I took bsm but it did give me terrible stomach aches. I mixed 1 tablespoon of bsm in a small 4oz glass of 100% grape juice and it made me irregular. I had to quit drinking this because of my stomach aches. Has anyone else had this problem.

Replied By Suzy (Bristol, England) on 03/04/2009

in reply to Cindy from Monroe, Cindy... Im sorry youve not benefited from the BSM but perhaps try it with a nice large glass of hot or cold milk or soya milk, not grape juice. This seems to be the way to go.

Replied By David (New York, NY) on 03/20/2009

I'm in the same boat as Cindy from Monroe, WI. I don't know why but ever since I started taking BSM (1 Tablespoon in the morning) it seems to be having the exact opposite influence on me than what it's stated to help with. This is my 7th day taking it.


I've been taking ACV (1 tblsp. 3x a day with a cup of water) for 3 weeks now and DE (Diatomaceous Earth)for 2 weeks and things seem to be going pretty well until I added the BSM. I've suffered from constipation, bloating, anxiety, heart palpitations and so on :( It's such an awful feeling to be constipated and bloated...yuck! So while I was on just the ACV and DE its helped a lot. I don't really get bloated and when I been going to the bathroom 1-3 x a day. And when I went to the bathroom I would feel lighter and emptied out for the most part.

Now ever since I've incorporated the BSM into my routine it hasn't had the same effect on me as it has on most people here and I would like to keep taking it because of all the health benefits it seems to have. By taking this I thought I would be going to the bathroom more and releasing like crazy. Unfortnately that hasn't happenned. I still do go to the bathroom at least 2x a day but it just doesn't feel the same. It feels like I have to struggle more kind of and when I do release it's not as much as before when I wasn't taking it. I don't feel as light after going to the bathroom...kind of still a little full and slightly bloated.

It also seems to have made my heart palpitations more noticeable and I feel this throughout the day from just taking the BSM in the morning. So I think the BSM has given me more or less some anxiety, constipation & heart palpitations...WHATS UP WITH THAT!! :(

I've taking the BSM a couple of ways and don't really care for any of them...I've taking it straight followed with some water, mixed it in a cup of cold water, put it in my cereal and have also poured it over my cooked oatmeal.

I really don't want to stop taking the BSM(especially if it helps with stopping your hair go gray...not that I really have that problem now but later on down the road..I'm in my early thirties) so if anyone can help with any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

Maybe I should put the 1 Tablsp. of BSm in some boiling/hot water maybe that would help some I don't know but maybe it will. Or maybe I should take like 2 teaspoons in the morning and 1 teaspoon in the afternoon(3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon as far as I know).

Thanks to whomever read this mess that I wrote and for any help :)

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Replied By Elaine (Hartford, Wi) on 05/28/2009

Side effects- If someone is not getting the results they are looking for, we need to remember what is good for one is not for another all the time? Some need to take smaller doses, not as often, or in another form. We are all different and God created so many different foods and herbs to help us. Don't give up!