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Virginia (Otto, NC ) on 02/28/2009

Cayenne Pepper in helping prevent returning DVT? I need help in finding the right vitamins to help prevent DVT returning in my leg. My left leg is damaged from DVT and I am currently on Coumadin. I need something to help without messing up my coumadin. Can anyone help me?

Replied By Julie (Coventry, England) on 07/05/2010

I believe Cayenne saved my life. I fell whilst out shopping and, though my pride was hurt, I felt o.k. Later same evening felt pain in my left foot, couldn't bend my toes.Went to bed but pain kept me awake, felt dreadfully sick, so rushed to bathroom. Next thing I remember is saying to my husband that I had fallen over. My husband tryed to pick me up, but I had passed out again. He called an ambulance and paramedic took my b.p. 64 over 50. My b.p. was so low i couldn't even open my eyes.Then suddenly I felt a rush of heat through my entire body and felt dramatically better, b.p. started to rise. Hospital Dr. said i had severe sprain, ( rubbish, 2hours later i am walking as normal), foot had a red swelling on top he gave it no importance, but through later research I believe it was a blood clot. I always take Cayenne with my evening meal. Thanks be to God. I dread to think what might have happened had I not.This stuff rocks, it brought down husband's blood pressure, believe it dissolves arterial plaque. Anyway, you guys go buy some. I will never be without it.
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Replied By Cheryl (Bakersfield, California ) on 02/16/2016

Hello Julie,

Just read about how cayenne saved your life. You said you always take it in the evening with your evening meal. Do you take it in capsule form or in powder form with in warm water? Please let me know. Thank you and I am very happy it saved your life.

Replied By Amy (Arizona) on 01/15/2015

Drink green tea.