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Fadi (Madison, WI) on 02/25/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Hi my brother had been vomiting severely for 8 hours and had vomited 5-6 times. Before we went to the doctor as a last ditch effort we decided to try the onion juice peppermint tea remedy and wait for an hr. IT WORKED! he said it tasted terrible and burned like fire but it was worth it! Thank you so much for the remedy!!! (also we used chamomile, mint and sage combo in the tea :)) thanks again
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Replied By Tony (Jakarta, Indonesia) on 11/10/2009

This remedy worked like magic on 14 year old daughter. She vomitted several times. I tried giving here activated carbon with water, but she vomited it out after 5 to 10 minutes. Then I read your remedy of onion juice and tea. She drank it, and her vomitting stopped. I also read from another web site that plain water induces vomiting. So we should also refrain from drinking plain water, but drink tea instead.

Thank you!