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Cheryl (Chicago, IL) on 02/23/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Remember that fungus is systemic. When you treat your AF topically, its going to keep recurring because its fungus that circulates all over your body. Try taking garlic capsules, we get them at Costco. Also, everyone with AF or nail fungus should research candidiasis which is a polysystemic fungal infection. Due to overuse of antibiotics (which also kills off good bacteria) and our bad diets (sugar, sugar substitutes, high fructose corn syrup in almost everything-- read food labels and all high glycemic foods), creates perfect environment for candidiasis. Also take probiotics to replace the good bacteria in the GI tract. I recommend changing to the candidiasis diet (no dairy, no sugar or sugar substitutes or any other high glycemic foods), taking garlic tablets, caprylic acid (from the health food store), take high fiber capsules to clean out the colon (fungus lives on our waste) and finally drink a lot of water. Unless you clear the fungus out of your entire system internally, the AF fungus is always going to come back.

Our daughter is diagnosed with candidiasis, our osteopath put her on anti-candidiasis diet. We parents decided to go on the same diet to be supportive, now all three of us are feeling much better. As an unexpected bonus, my AF fungus and nail fungus is dramatically improving after only 3 weeks. Its SYSTEMIC, gotta change your diet to beat it. Here's your diet: eggs, organic meats, fish, low glycemic mostly green vegetables, salad. Once you change your diet, you'll feel so much better, you won't mind this. You will also lose weight. Also seems like what clogs up the system, so no bread or any other food product with yeast. Check canned soup labels, many of them contain yeast.

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Replied By Lyle (Gaborone, Botswana) on 05/14/2013

Yes Cheryl, dietary changes work too. I thought I had cleared the athlete's foot. But when I stopped rubbing the garlic on my feet, it came back after about 3 months.

I then got a herbal tea mix of the these herbs: garlic bulb, barberry and milk thistle. Within two days of taking this, the funugs dried on the skin under my feet. It took about a month for the skin to fall off. After about a month, I ran out of the tea and the fungus attacked again within two weeks. I guess there are lots of spores in my body.

I intend to take this herbal tea for the whole year in a bid to clear the spores from my system. I am much happier with the tea since it doesn't smell. Also, I like prefer tea (compared to rubbing on the body) since I can drink it cold in the summer and warm when its cold, it cleans the body from inside, just what I need. Man, I havent been to the gym in ages now due to this fungus.

I probably need to get rid of my shoes and socks as well so I dont get re-infected.

This herbal tea was formulated to treat Thrush, but it works for both thrush and athlete's foot.

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Replied By Len (Berkeley, Ca) on 06/03/2013

How often and how much of the tea were you drinking? Did you change your diet as well??