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Chris (Paris, TX) on 08/11/2007

i used to get horrible boils (golf ball to baseball size) under my arm pits. i had a doctor suggest that i may have a condition known as ( Hidradenitis Suppurativa, he said this was incurable. i do not believe in incurable conditions. After lots of research and a trip to a local allergy specialist i found that was actually allergic to aluminum zirconium, a very common ingredient in antiperspirants (see for more information) i switched to an antiperspirant withouts actually allergic to aluminum zirconium and the boils stopped.
My allergy Dr. told me that alot of people actually get misdiagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa because of boils in the armpit when all that is wrong with them is their choice of antiperspirant. i also want to point out that i have seen this ingredient listed on several feminine hygiene products for moisture control.

Replied By Alib (Swansea, Wales, Uk) on 12/04/2010

I now won't put anything on my body that I can't eat. I use coconut oil as a deodorant. It works very well and lasts all day. Some people use bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) too mixed to a paste and rubbed under the armpits. You can mix coconut oil and Baking Soda together and that will work too. Mind you, since following a very healthy low-carbohydrate diet the last three years with only occasional sugar or fruit, my body has been detoxing so well that I rarely if ever actually get any odour any more. How strong you pong very much depends on what you put in your mouth....