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Nini (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/24/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Drinking at least 3 cups of African Red tea, commonly called Rooibos is not only beneficial to your immune system but it also helps your skin stay clear. Also applying blackstrap molasses every night for about an hour after washing your face helps smooth your skin and gives you a glow due to all the vitamins and minerals it contains, and don't forget to take atleast 2 tbspns of it daily to keep regular. I like to put it in my red tea or in some warm almond milk along with some coconut oil, yum yum! Hope this helps all of you.
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Replied By Nalo (Ny, New York) on 10/23/2010

Hi- I was very excited to have found a use for my black strap molasses after reading that it could be used as a facial. So I washed my face and put molasses on my forehead, cheeks, jaw and nose, leaving it on for almost an hour. For two days one day off and then another day on. The morning after the third application I found small bumps completely covering areas where molasses was applied. Im figuring I left it on too long or that it doesnt work for me as a facial... Any comments?
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Replied By Britt (Pa) on 11/18/2014

Blackstrap Molasses works wonders for my skin! I mix it with ascorbic acid to create a think paste. The molasses is loaded with trace minerals and vitamins and the Vitamin C is anti-aging!!