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Kathy (Red Deer, AB, Canada) on 02/06/2009

For over 5 years I have had a burning tongue, sore gums and a coated tongue. Has anyone tried Oil Pulling for these symptoms?
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Replied By Hollis (Hilo, Hawaii) on 05/16/2009

Aloha, I have been oil pulling for 2 1/2 years, once a day in the morning.....It is one of my daily health giving rituals. My teeth are sparkling white, gums holding my teeth solidly in place, but I still occasionally have a bout with a sore tongue issue....So the question Kathy from Canada had on your site asking if oil pulling helps with sore tongue problems...I would say no, unless I should be doing it more often (2-3 times daily) when I have tongue distress. I will try the apple cider vinegar and baking soda cure next time.... Isn't this a great site !! The ACV, honey in hot water cured my cough, and the cayenne gargle fixed up my throat....Thanks for all the valuable information.
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Replied By Eileen (Exton, Pa) on 03/18/2010

Oil pulling cured a small but painful white bump on the tip of my tongue! I had it for a few days and it was very painful. I remembered oil pulling a while back and the thought came to me to give it a try. It actually relieved all pain while I was swishing. The next morning I awoke and walla-- no bump, no pain, completely gone. Amazing! I have started oil pulling again. I had forgotten how good I feel afterwards. I used olive oil.

EC: More about oil pulling here: