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JD (Anchorage, Alaska) on 02/01/2009
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Greetings from Alaska !
Have been reading your post on O.P., and decided to give it a try. Last night I used approx. 1 tbsp of organic C.O. I followed the basic directions, but was only able to 'swish' for 11 minutes. The oil became extremely runny, as if a ton of saliva had mixed with it. My throat felt heavy with phlegm and I had to hold back gagging. I rinsed very well & went to sleep. I woke up 3 times in the night, needing a drink of water (unusual for me). This morning when I woke up, I had severe angio edema around both eyes bilaterally. The edema had even weeped into lower pockets on my cheeks below, looking like little water balloons. Under my right eye, my skin felt crusty, as if something had leaked around the area. When I looked closer, the edema under my right eye appeared to have little pin head size pebbles in it and when I attempted to wash it, it was extremely painful. I had my partner look for some kind of puncture wound (unlikely a spider bite up here). As the day wares on, the puffiness is decreasing. Ironically, my skin tone was aglow, my teeth much whiter and I coughed up copious amounts of phlegm. I have searched this web site for a similar reaction, without luck. Any thoughts or advice; I am remain hopeful that OP is a healthy move for me. Thanks for creating such a wonderful space for "collective healing" !
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Replied By Brenda (Alexandria, VA) on 02/07/2009

Coconut Oil is an anti-fungal oil. The detox effect from using this oil can be pretty strong. I did oil pulling two years ago, then I let life get in the way. Lets just say I am back to where I started (so, tip . . . keep it up. Anyway, I used coconut oil after swishing with Olive Oil for a few months. Within a few hours I was coughing up lots of mucous. I remember searching all over my purse while waiting for a train to blow my nose. the Needless to say, I started oiling pulling again this morning. My oil of choice is Coconut Oil (1TB). I will post the detox effects if I have any.

If the detox effects of Coconut Oil is too strong switch oils.

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Replied By M (St Louis, Mo) on 02/09/2009

Answer for JD from Anchorage, Alaska: I too got face bumps or redness from coconut oil, I am a blood type A and found out that type A's often have a sensitivity to coconut oil. Try another oil, Sesame works for me. If my teeth get sensitive from its astringency I'll add a little bit of another type, like canola or olive oil. Like someone else suggested switch around every so often to keep the OP working well. It is also good to research individual oils for their benefits, EFA's, anti-biotic or anti-viral capabilities etc.
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Replied By Cured (Niceville, Fl) on 01/21/2010

For JD and others new to OP--more specifically coconut oil. It sounds like you had a detox and possible candida die-off reaction. To avoid potentially embarrasing detox effects, I don't recommend starting out with the coconut oils. Some people have an array of reactions and some don't.

I did a test first with VCO to see how I would react. I made 2 eggs for breakfast one day before work (big mistake). I used about half a teaspoon. Hour 1 I was fine. Hour 2-3 my tummy rumbled and cramped quite painfully but bearable. Hour 4 was a loose bowel movement. After that I was fine. This experiment told me I had some detoxing to do from what was most likely a candida reaction.

From there I took it slow and just used externally, almost daily. I use as all over lotion/moisturizer(even rubbing around eyes--though not at first). I laid off the VCO a day or so if I had symptoms appear such as sinus or acne detox problems. It was around the end of month 1 before I started eating and OP with it. I believe I did another egg test before I tried OP again. My face did get worse before it got better. I also have been using turmeric capsules for acne this whole time--i still broke out--can't imagine how bad it might have been if I wasn't taking turmeric multiple times a day but no more than a teaspoon a day. I am now about 2 months into this routine and acne is gone less one here and there. I hope this helps those new to CO. Take it slow and enjoy its wonderful benefits!