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Burton (Portland, Oregon) on 01/25/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I read about oil pulling on this site and decided to try it, though i wasn't aware of any real health problems. I only had olive oil in the house so I went with that for 3 or 4 days and did the neti pot nasal flush afterward each time. I used a tablespoon of oil and swished for 15 minutes, rinsing afterward with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. baking soda in warm water. Throughout the course of those four days I noticed a startling mood elevation and mental clarity that I hadn't had in a very long time. I also noticed alot of sinus drainage and my ability to smell increased. Also my eyes stopped feeling itchy or dry. I switched over to sesame oil because it was recommended, but have since switched back to olive oil and experienced the same mood elevation and mental clarity. This has made me wonder if I was suffering from low-grade depression the whole time. I feel much calmer and focussed, less confused and find alot more reasons to laugh during the day. I also have a TON more energy and work much harder. This energy caused me to have some problems sleeping for the first few days. One last thing is that my beard seems to have gotten much thicker and softer. I'm excited about such a cheap and simple remedy and would recommend it to everyone.
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Replied By Zarina (Lusaka, Zambia) on 02/18/2009

i started op a few weeks ago as I was looking for a cure for a coated tongue, it was difficult at first to kepp the oil in my mouth for more than a minuete, but then got the hang of it and can now do a full twenty mins. However, I am using olive oil and see no significant difference in my body or mind. I cured my white tongue with salt brushing and now am op just because i am reading it is good for me!

Replied By Sweetbug (Stone Mountain, Georgia) on 12/29/2009

I hope this is not a silly question but when you say sesame oil are you actually talking about sesame seed oil that is found in the oriental section of the grocery. Cause i cant find anything that says sesame oil or sunflower oil in the section where all the oils are.

EC: Yes, that's usually where you'd find sesame oil.


Replied By Tim (Princeton, Nj) on 12/29/2009

Make sure you DON'T buy the dark one. It should look like vegetable oil in color. Good Luck!!

Replied By Lee (New York, NY) on 12/29/2009

I have used just about every kind of organic, cold pressed oil. None of them are white at the end, except for coconut oil (which starts out white). I wouldn't worry about it - just stay with it. BTW, some of the claims from people who are oil pullers seem a bit extreme. My teeth are definitely whiter and I think I feel less congested. It is a quiet, meditative way to start the day. If there are any other results, I am not aware of them (I've been at it for 9 months.) Good luck!

Replied By Jane (Melbourne, Australia) on 03/07/2010

@Sweetbug from Stone Mountain, Georgia. I'm new to oil pulling, and was just reading your question about Sesame oil. I found cold-pressed organic sesame oil at a health food store. It is pale like vegetable oil, not dark brown like the sesame oil you find in the oriental section of the grocery, which I believe is usually toasted sesame seed oil. The cold-pressed sesame oil smells and tastes less nutty, and so that is the one that I am going to try. The health food store also had cold-pressed sunflower and safflower which others here have also used.