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Anonymous (USA) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

Yes, I tried vinegar, not orally, but rubbed it on the spot in my back that has given me horrific pain for 6 years, I have used Zonalon ($85 per tube, Empi ($45 per oz) and Capsascin, even athletes foot medicine, Aspercream, and this is so far, the most relief I have had. My shingles never blistered, but I was left with Posthepetic neuralgia which has been terrible. Worth a try, and you have it in your kitchen. I wonder how does it work, is it the acid?
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Replied By Katherine (Asheville, Nc) on 05/10/2011

Apple Cider Vinegar for Shingles.

Thanks to this site, used Apple Cider Vinegar very successfully. Cold compresses for 1/2 hour at a time, 1 part ACV to 2-3 parts water. Leave the ACV on for about an hour after, then rinse and then used an oil from my Chinese acupuncture clinic (not as effective as ACV, but good for soothing and healing). Do this as 4-5 times a day. Also used acupuncture and homeopathic remedies included arnica, belladonna and rhus tox. I worked with a homeopath who helped me figure out what I needed when. I also took the antiviral Acly (whatever it's called... Finished it and threw out the bottle... normally hate meds and only go natural but worked with everything I could to alleviate this condition).

Also took Lysine, vitamins and herbs... everything I could to strengthen my immune system.

Also, muscle tightness in my back (outbreak was on my chest and back) was intense. Did lots of breathing and stretching exercises to keep the energy moving, even when it was painful. Carefully worked thru the pain.

Got thru what my acupuncturist said was a pretty severe reaction pretty quickly... Again, thanks primarily to ACV and this site. Really grateful.

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Replied By Ja8877 (Burlington, Vt) on 12/23/2011

I am nearly positive this is shingles now but the symptoms etc are confusing. I've had very little pain, the little pain I get is usually in the evening and I have the urge to scratch. On a pain or discomfort level it is a 2 out of 10. It's on both of my forearms which is strange. I've called a few Dr's and they are all too busy and tell me to go to the Hospital Emergency. That shingles are very serious and I need immediate medical attention. Really no help there.

I have 2 full days of ACV now and the jury is not in yet. I use it diluted, but strong as a half hour compress which does help and feels much better. After the half hour compress I daub with cotton ball full strength. I do this 2 or 3 times per day and I drink about 4 oz per day diluted with water. I've also used calamine lotion on some areas as a test to see if it does help. And yes calamine lotion does help.

I can definitely say the ACV does help, to what extent I am not sure, but I think fairly significant. I'm sure I'd be in worse shape without it. I've also increased my vitamins, like C and B Complex and take an oral anti-histamine daily.

Since it's a virus I'm just going to let it run it's course and manage it. If I feel pain or if it spreads to my face I'll find a Dr who is not too busy. I did have shingles about 18 years ago--but I knew what it was as soon as I saw it and it was extremely painful--this is mild--so far.


Replied By Ja (Burlington, Vt) on 12/26/2011

Follow-up. YEA! ACV is a big help. I can definitely say that over the last 5 days ACV has drastically helped alleviate my shingles. The first few days the skin on both arms were a flaming scarlet red with little dots appearing like crazy. For the first few days I diluted the ACV with about 2-3 parts water and would use a compress for about 40 minutes, 2-3X per day and then daub with full strength. The first day I used a full strength compress and my skin was really irritated from that.

I then would daub any new little red dots with calamine lotion and that over the course of a couple days dried them up. I was really impressed with the results of the combo of ACV and calamine lotion. Finally yesterday my arms began to return to normal, but it took a few days to get there. The last 2 days my arms are looking so good I only do 1 compress and ACV daub/calamine lotion per day.

My flaming red arms are now retuning to their normal color. I have a few other small areas to deal with--but my arms were the worst. At one point they were flaming red 12"x 4" and I never saw anything so virulent and rapid. I'll list some things I've learned to help you.

1. Dilute the ACV with 2-3 parts water for a long compress. Then daub with full strength.

2. Let dry and apply calamine lotion to any small red dots and let it dry. Wear loose cotton clothing. And drink at least 2 oz per day of ACV per day--dilute with 6 parts or more of water.

3. I would take a Benadryl capsule with antihistamine if there was any itching. Sometimes the itch urge can drive you crazy.

4. I beefed up my vitamins and took a good multi, 2000mg of C, and a B Complex.

5. Wash with cool or tepid water and minimal mild soap. Warm or hot water only aggravates the skin. When you wash you are throwing trauma at your skin.

6. Try to rest and don't eat any junk food. Also no sugar, coffee, choclate, nuts, strawberries and spinach--they will aggravate your skin.

7. Any rash on your face--get to a Dr.

8. Shingles is a virus and will run its course. Once you have it all you can really do is to alleviate the pain and itchiness and keep the shingles from being infected and to reduce the dots as fast as you can. ACV with calamine worked for me.