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Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 10/03/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Just wanted to report that I am having great results on my 14+ year old german shephard mix who has arthritis (especially in the hips). I think that one of the most helpful and important things I'm doing is exercising him without fail every day. I take him on walks each day, usually about 3.5 miles total. Considering his age, he's in remarkably good shape and, except on steep hills, keeps up with our other 2 young dogs. We used to walk by a neighbor's golden retriever who was let outside in the front yard several times a day to do her thing. She hobbled around in obvious pain, barely able to walk. I never once saw the owners taking their sweet dog out for a walk. She was only about 10 years old when they put her to sleep. Just my opinion, but I think early deaths happen with some frequency to yard-only dogs. Exercise keeps those joints lubricated!

Supplements: I also recently started adding turmeric, msm and glucosamine to Max's food. Dosages: 1/4 teaspoon of powdered turmeric in his food in the morning, diluted with chicken broth. At night I crush a 1000 mg tablet of MSM and give him half of it (500 mg), plus a full capsule of glucosamine blend from Trader Joe's (glucosamine sulfate 750mg and glucosamine HCI 750 mg). My vet mentioned that she likes the combo of MSM and glucosamine for dogs with arthritis, which is why I started him on that a few weeks ago. The turmeric has helped heal up a benign cyst that had burst through the skin on his front paw. Very glad one of EC's readers reported a cure for dog cysts recently -- thanks! At any rate, Max seems to be doing better on the supplements -- walking faster, wrestling with the other dogs, less confusion at night when the lights go off. Yea, yea, yea.


Replied By Deirdre (Atlanta, GA) on 01/05/2009

Thanks for your posts, Chloe and Dianna. They reminded me to update EC about turmeric and my dog Max's burst cyst. I have continued to add about an 8th of a teaspoon turmeric mixed in chicken broth to Max's breakfast kibble each morning since October. The cyst on his right paw was quite large and had burst a few months ago. As I mentioned, the turmeric started to heal the cyst within a few days. It took about 2 months, but the lump is now completely gone!!

I would have started Max on turmeric ages ago had I known how helpful it is with benign cysts (he has them all over his body). Many thanks again to Lisa for telling us about this great remedy.