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Daniele (Naples, Florida) on 01/03/2009
5 out of 5 stars

For the first time, my 15 years old Maltese started blood urinating( UTI); I called my current vet, stressed the fact that I had just lost my job ( December 31st 2008) and I was in a state of panic for the reason mentioned above; he estimated between $100.00 to $150.00 if no complication ( he is a very compassionate Vet and his prices are very decent but now any price is too much for my budget) ; I asked if I could pay in 3 installments and he reinforced the Hospital Policy as where they require full payments on received treatments. You see, I have 4 pets ( one Maltese, one Lhasa Apso, one Himalayan all 15 years old and a rescue cat from Katrina who is 7 ) and over the years , I spent a fortune in veterinarian expenses between routine vaccines, annual regular check up, teeth cleaning etc.TG for their healthy dispositions...they all look like puppies ! I usually go on, but last time they never replied (3 months ago). Defeated by my financial disposition, I went to and wrote Dog urinary track infection and the rest is history . I started giving Snowie ( my Maltese) 1 TBSP of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 2 TBSP of natural yogurt - that did not work- he had no interest whatsoever...! Since he is a little "glutton", I was very disappointed & surprised at his reaction; so, I reluctantly decided to give him a second feeding ( he only eats once a day in the AM) , so I mixed the Vinegar, Yogurt & Blue wet & dry food and ..Bingo! I fed him with the ACV for the first time at 1:30PM and the next time he urinated, there was less blood and by 8:00PM last night, there was no more bloody urine.and since -none! I was a bit apprehensive in relation to his first morning "pee" since last one was at 12:00AM --..and again --clear of blood. YEY! PS.: If you mix the ACV with their food, there is no need for yogurt!

I am a strong believer in Holistic food for all my babies( they have been on this kind of food since they were 2 months old) -a little more $$$ on the initial purchase versus regular pet food but on a long run, it pays since it cuts down on the Vet's visit. Your site has been a GREAT help to me & my Snowie and you can add me & my 4 " furries" as other fans in your club. AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Ouf! Ouf! Ouf!

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Replied By Vi (Laurel, MD) on 01/13/2009

ACV works! I too, just paid a large vet bill last month. When my 11 year old lab woke me up at 3am sunday, did the dry pee dance on our morning walk, bloody urine in the house, along with the whining, & pacing and going to the door to go out every 5 mins, I took a chance & googled and found this site. I read what everyone else had to say and gave her 1 TBSP of Heinz ACV mixed with 2 TBSP of yogurt last night. I was amazed at how quickly her behavior changed. She settled down almost immediately, sleep comfortably all night and urinated normally the next morning. Since she gets feed 1 time a day, I mixed 1 TBSP of ACV in her dry food in the morning and gave her the yogurt ACV mixture that same night and she seems fine. I will probably cut back to just once a day for the rest of the week and then maybe every other day for a while.

I am so thankful for this site, saved me lots of $ and heartache.

Now if I could just find a remedy to shrink or aliviate those fatty tumors...

Thanks again!